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boys. that's what she thought when watching the three guys play around with the ball while the cameras were being set up. to say she was impressed was an understatement, they had such a good control over the ball while she could barely kick it without missing. she was following the ball before something caught her attention. a pair of shoes that were untied. now, she wasn't crazy for safety, but she knew that could lead to terrible accident. don't ask her how she knows that. and before she could think, she talked.

'you're gonna trip' she said, and immediately, her eyes opened like saucers and she covered her mouth. they immediately stopped and looked questioningly towards her, and unknown to them, the cameras had just begun to film. it wasn't gonna make the cut but it was gonna do a great behind the scenes.

'what?' said pedri confused.

'it's just-' she hesitated, this was embarrassing in raquel's head and the focused gaze of the youngest of the three wasn't making it any easier. 'your ties, they're loose, don't ask me how i know, but it never ends well, you'll fall.'

'oh no, it's fine, i won't. i never tie them.' he said trying to comfort her and help her relax, he wasn't a stranger to those reactions. his mother and sister said the same thing all the time. however, internally, it only made the singer more embarrassed.

'yeah, he never does' pedri said noticing the embarrassment the other two guys obviously missed, and in attempt to make her feel better what he said next was 'he never learned how, so he got used to not tying them' he continued carefully to not make his friend uncomfortable in front of the girl he knew was his celebrity crush.

'oh' was what she said and if you asked pablo, it was adorable. 'right, sorry. it's just, when i was younger it cost me pursuing one of my dreams so let's say i got war flasbacks.' she said with a pained smile she tried to make come off as natural.

'really? you did sports?' asked ansu curiously.

'yeah, i was national selection in my country in my category in basketball.' she said reminiscing. 'a girl from the other team stepped on the lose tie and i didn't notice so i was turning the opposite side and i broke a ligament from my knee as a result.' she said sadly. 'but if i hadn't gotten hurt i wouldn't have kept going with my actual career so a good thing did come out of it.' she said once she saw the pity looks from the football prodigies.

'that's great to hear, not the fact you got hurt but that you could still follow other dreams.' pablo said. 'i have a small problem with coordination with my hands which makes it very hard for me to do these small things.' he elaborated slightly embarrassed.

'well, that's fine, we can't be good at everything. i can't whistle for example.' she said trying to light up the mood. 'here' she said walking up to him getting on one knee which slightly hurt but ignored. she tapped her knee while looking up so he would put his foot on top.

'i'll get your pants dirty.' he said frowning slightly.

'i don't mind.' she said laughing slightly. and with that, he obeyed. he was impressed by how fast she did so, playing piano and guitar helped her coordination in that way after all plus the many times she had to tie them quickly during her games. 'there you go.' she said as she stood up and when she did, she winced which no one noticed but a guy who was already plotting and becoming cupid.

'alright everyone, here's what we're gonna do. you are all gonna sit down here and each one of you is going to have a small bell. we are going to ask you a series of questions related to sports since you are all quite familiar with them and if you know the answer, you tap your respective ones.' said one of the guys arranging the challenge.

'please do the intro ansu.' said the camera guy, and from the corner of her eye, she could see sara recording a story for what she guessed was instagram.

'3, 2, 1, action.' said a lady behind the crowd around the camera.

'hello curlers, i'm ansu fati and i'm here with pablo, pedri and a special guest who you may know, raquel ordaz.' he said happily.

'we are going to be asked a few questions about some sports and we'll have to guess quickly.' said pedri while the rest nodded.

'hopefully i won't embarrass myself.' said two voices in unison. raquel and pablo just looked at each other and laughed.

'all right, let's do this.' exclaimed the mexican.

'this is going to be fun.' said sara as she grabbed the questions from next to her seat.

it sure was going to be.


two chapters in one day? yes.

i feel guilty for not uploading sooner.

hope you guys like it. don't forget to vote and comment. don't be silent readers please!

love, nini


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