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the date was november 23rd 2021, raquel ordaz was standing in front of a tv with her loved ones around her. this date was bittersweet for her and her family, seeing as a few years ago, this exact day, her aunt and one of her biggest supporters passed away. this known, raquel was beyond sensitive ever since a few days. after all, there was stress about her nominations but also, the grieving and mourning came stronger around these days.

pacing around the living room was quite hard, not because it was small though, but because it was crowded so her only space was in front of the tv which stressed everyone a lot. her pacing was stopped when she felt a vibration in her pocket, taking the phone out wondering who was texting her if the only people who did were anxiously sitting around her home.

unlocking it she came across the name of the boy she had been texting non stop, getting to know each other and talking about anything and everything. his texts began around this time, seeing it as a convenient time due to their different time zones. by this hour, he was on his way home after training or going to a late training session, sometimes even during his breaks he would find time to talk to her.

no one knew this, but their friends had started to notice their sudden dependency to their phones. some fans were also wondering why all of a sudden pablo gavi was smilier than usual during training sessions and even during some games, his behavior was a little calmer. still fierce, but calmer. his growing relationship with the young singer was giving him a reason to do good as to not let down the girl and also impress her, with this he was more calculated and less impulsive, giving him the balance that his talent and attitude along with strategy created. his friends were happy for that improvement, but they were curious to know what or rather who caused this.

the text read a simple:

'good morning'

even though it was afternoon for him, his thoughtfulness making quel's heart feel warm and her stomach fuzzy. sending an almost automatic response she texted:

'morning! how was your training session?'

seconds later a typing bubble appeared, a reply soon after:

'same as usual...

what have you been up to today?'

wanting to keep the conversation going to find some sense of comfort was the way to go in quel's mind.

'waiting for the grammy nominations to begin'

and if the conversation itself wasn't making her fuzzy enough, his next text made her go red, catching the attention of the people present.

'as soon as i get home i'll tune in to watch them <3'

'what's got you so red?' her brother asked bluntly

'nothing' she said immediately, her thoughts vanishing and no excuse coming to her head.

'really? because you've been getting flustered at your phone very often.' said oscar.

'it's no one.' she said stupidly.

'so it's a someone.' mena said intrigued.

'does little quel have a crush on a boy?' key said teasingly.

to her amazing luck though, the ceremony began on the tv, everyone shutting up but not shutting the topic down, her social circle was way too smart for her liking and not as forgetful as she would wish.

mine - p. gaviWhere stories live. Discover now