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love is a funny thing. it can arrive when you least expect it and catch you by surprise. sometimes you can see it coming from far away but it just gains so much momentum it simply slaps you on the face.

raquel did not expect to fall in love, pablo saw it coming, it just slapped him.

they were walking side by side down a semi populated street as they talked about anything and everything. 

they liked each other, a lot.

 they were making their way to a mcdonald's near pablo's place which was further from the stadium and therefore, less fans that could possibly stumble across them.

their hands would sometimes brush against each other, and the small blush that would take a presence in their faces made it clear they did not mind at all.

their hands brushed so often that quel got tired of it and the next time their skins brushed, she twisted her wrist catching the spanish's hand in hers, making him look at her with a humongous smile.

reaching the fast food place, pablo hesitantly let go of the girl's hand to get in by himself while quel waited in a bench nearby, in case they got recognized.

scrolling through her phone, she came across different tweets talking about her music and touring or rather asking about it. she was planning on announcing this news on christmas as a gift for her fans, and she was excited about it, so excited she did not see a familiar face come out od the restaurant to see her staring at nothing with a toothy smile, making the boy chuckle.

waking up from her daydream, she saw the amused look in the boy's eyes that held so much emotions aside from the former.

'what?' she asked playfully.

'nothing. you just seem very happy about something. may i know what it is?' he asked curiously and softly.

'oh, well, um- i'll go on tour next year but my fans don't know yet and i'm just so so so excited about getting on stage for the first time by myself and not in some award ceremony.' she said happily.

'that's great! really. i'm sure it'll be amazing.' he said before they fell into silence. it wasn't awkward at all. the only thing they heard was the rustling of leaves in the chilly streets and the wrappings of their food being peeled off, quickly falling into some more small talk about what they saw around them and what not.

30 minutes later they were walking back to the hotel the singer was staying at, and before they reached her door, the boy pulled her wrist lightly making her look at him with a small curious frown.

'listen, i'm not good at these things, so just know i'm trying. i like you. a lot. i like your smile, your voice, the way you scrunch your nose when you laugh and how freaking smart you are. i like your sarcasm, your playfulness but also how mature you can behave. i like all of you, and i want to be one of the reasons you smile everyday, and someone who you can talk to about your dreams. you have made your way to my heart and i did not fight it, because quite honestly, you're amazing and talented and i want to take you out on dates when you come to spain and i want to see you wear my jersey because it suits you perfectly so yeah there's that and-' but he couldn't finish, because something was laying against his lips.

another pair of them.

their lips molded perfectly against each other. they were like puzzle pieces cut just for one another. his slightly chapped lips against her barely glossy ones from the balm she had applied after eating. words could not describe the things they felt about the kiss and each other.

parting their lips from the soft but passionate kiss, they felt smiles grow it their faces as their foreheads lay against one another.

'i made myself a promise. no boys in a while.' she began, watching the footballer's smile drop slightly. 'but you, you were like a ball trying to make a goal and the only thing keeping you from scoring was the goalkeeper aka me, and maybe, just maybe, i moved to the side on purpose to allow myself to feel what i feel for you. i like you pablo, i really do. and i want us to work out, but i need you to promise me something. no matter what anyone says, no matter how convincing they are, don't let them take you away from me. people like to make rumors about my life, and you are on your way to suffer through that as you keep growing in your sport. don't let anyone change what's just ours. be mine and i'll be yours but don't let a third in what we have just like i promise not to let it happen.' she said looking into his eyes with nothing but honesty and vulnerability.

'i promise.' he said softly. his eyes flickering to her lips as if asking for permission. the slight nod he got from the girl being more than enough for him to begin the kiss this time.

after a few seconds, they split again. smiles resting peacefully on their lips.

'be my girlfriend?' he asked after a few seconds.

'as long as you kiss me like that, yeah.' she said jokingly, making him chuckle and lean in again.

nini speaks !

hi. i'm alive. i had lots of schoolwork and no time to write something that wasn't school related.

i'm back but still can't promise consistency. i'll try my best though.

what do you think about this chapter? it was slightly shorter than other chapters but i wanted full focus in their date (if you can call it that seeing as it was never said, merely implied) 


what would you like to read?

check my other stories !

the man - f1 (coming soon)

london boy - henry cavill (coming soon)

love, nini xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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