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birthdays in raquel ordaz's life meant a lot. and not just her's but every single person in her life. november 28th came fast after the grammys announcement. she had been rehearsing nonstop for the grammys which would be her next big live performance next year. she had received many congratulations by the time she arrived at school along with tons of gifts which weren't the most expensive but the occasional sweets or snacks. it was the detail and the intention that counted anyway.

what she had noticed at school was that someone had an update account about her where they would post daily videos about her with her friends. she didn't know who it was but she didn't mind either. maybe she should have been worried but it never stalked her in creepy ways, it was like another paparazzi but even more respectful.

reaching her friends she was immediately tackled in a hug along with many excited happy birthday's. they made their way to their first class parting ways with oscar who was in another class. walking in she noticed a small box in the place she usually sat on. confused she walked towards it. her friends confused as well started recording hoping for a pleasant surprise.

reaching for the box, raquel saw no card so she opened it finding a small necklace with and 'r' engraved in a small circle. smiling softly she noticed a small note inside the box that read:

'happy birthday, hope you like it!


when she looked at her friends she didn't know what to do. they had smiles that started to fade when they saw her face. coming closer and stopping the video they read the note.

'you have to tell him you don't like him like that' said mileth while looking at the necklace.

'i know, i know, i do not know however, how to.' quel said having an internal crisis.

'just walk up to him and say 'hey you dumbass! take a hint i don't like you' and walk away' said key as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

'she can't do that' said fernanda while slapping him in the back of the head.

'maybe be more obvious about what your intentions are with him which is just a friendship' said ximena after thinking a little.

'yeah, and while you do that, maybe hint the same way to alan' said mena after a little.

'i guess i could do that. for now i'll just wait for the break to thank him in person. it is a lovely necklace after all.' quel said after putting it on.

it was this moment where you could see that none of them were in relationships and that their two social brain cells, unlike their thinking ones, had not finished kindergarten and had gotten fried after quel's first break up.

class went smoothly. it was french after all, a language quel spoke fluently since a young age seeing as her mom is half french. after that, they had history, a subject that really interested raquel despite it being quite boring for some people. finally, their break arrived and as they made their way to the cafeteria she was congratulated at least five times and that was just because their classroom was close to the cafeteria and the teacher had let them go early since they had finished all the topics of the semester a while ago and they were merely preparing for the final tests.

once there, they ordered their respective lunch that was more of a breakfast ordering for oscar as well who would join soon. while the two ximenas and key went to look for a good table to sit at, mileth and fernanda stood with quel waiting for the food when suddenly a group of people entered the cafeteria building and along those people, stood a very excited alan arreguín with a bag in his hands, and the moment their eyes locked raquel wanted to be swallowed by the earth and be spat in jupiter from another universe.

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