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'oh my god i think it's happening again

swore to myself i would be letting it end

but every time i look in your brown eyes

and your smile, oh your smile'

happening again, katherine li 

love is something raquel knew well, or at least she thought. her relationship with louis was cute at the beginning but as they were both rising to fame, things got harder. arguments went around and jealousy too. they were both guilty and maybe it was biased but in raquel's mind, louis was more at fault. his jealousy acts and constant dramas exhausted her to no end. she even stopped being close to aidan who was his co star and really good friend just because he wasn't in canada to make sure nothing happened, then a few months later, louis started filming a new show called 'pistol' in which he met a girl who was older and beautiful and to be very honest, very mean towards quel.

she always rolled her eyes when she would visit her then boyfriend and whenever he wasn't with her but filming sydney would make some rude comments about her outfit, makeup and sometimes even appearance such as her arm fat or her slightly thicker thighs which obviously on a teenager, those comments hit like bricks.

all this added to the great connection between louis and sydney made raquel highly insecure and when she thought her boyfriend would support her and comfort her, she was just told to not overreact and to not worry about the older girl.

when shit went down and the break up happened she swore to herself no boys would come across her life at least in a while and writing her album helped her get distracted from guys. she had great friends and people who supported her all the way. her parents were her number one fans and her brother was her hero. she was truly happy with her life as it was and didn't know if she was ready for her last romantic situation to be happening again.

walking with sara to the field gave her the chance to look around while making small talk asking stuff like 'how long have you worked here?' or 'how was your morning?' and by the time they arrived to the field which was way bigger than she thought, there were two guys waiting for them to arrive.

one had dark skin and a cool haircut while the other had fair skin and thick brows. she had never seen them and had no clue as to what there names were, lucky for her, she was about to find out.

'hey guys' began sara to get their attention.

'hey sara' the shorter of the two said. 'and hey raquel, i'm ansu fati it's very nice to meet you, i love your music.' he said with a charming smile before being interrupted by the guy next to him.

'i'm pedro but people call me pedri' he began. 'i'm a huge fan too.' he said, sounding like he was holding excitement in.

'hey there, it's really nice to meet you guys, i'm sorry i'm not the most informed in football' raquel replied sheepishly. 'i'll try my best to work with you guys though, i can assure you that.' she continued softly.

'okay then shall we?' said sara a little louder before frowning 'wait, where's pablo?' she said confused.

'who?' was all raquel said and before she could get the answer from pedri a voice from afar caught her attention.

'i'm here, i'm here, sorry i was in the bathroom' said a voice from behind her 'i'm really sorry' which caused her to turn around and come face to face with the sheepish but beautiful smile that would later be the death of her.

their gazes locked and so did their fate, he wasn't one to be romantic but just by looking at her eyes he was ready to write a thousand poems about how much he loved them, however she wasn't all too happy with the way his gaze softened when his locked with hers, which caused her to quickly look away and that woke the young boy up from his daydream causing him to look towards his two friends who wanted nothing more than to start laughing.

'sorry' he said, clearing his throat. 'i'm pablo, pablo gavi, it's nice to meet you.' he said smiling honestly this time.

and his smile, oh his smile.


hey guys, sorry i disappeared, i wanted a perfect way for them to meet and it took a while to figure out so this is it, hopefully you guys like it, plus school has been a bitch lately so there's that too.

anyways, don't forget to vote and comment!

love, nini


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