Four. Auld Lang Syne

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Chapter Song- Late Night Talking- Harry Styles
Can be played from above while reading 💚


Christmas in London is something everyone should see at least once in their life. Gemma, her boyfriend and Mum have joined me here at my home here in London. I love a nice, low key holiday. After about three days though, I get stir crazy. It's hard to go out much here. It's hard anywhere really, but England is a whole other beast.

I don't like having security guards breathing down my neck so most of the time it's just easier to stay in. It's been this way for so long that I sometimes forget what life was even like before. It's Christmas Eve and mum has just finished her glass of wine and is headed upstairs to bed.

Sitting here in front of the fire in the quiet makes my mind wander. It's been an amazing year. I've accomplished so much. I've still got more to do. As I sit and think of how the new year is gonna look I think about the movie I start filming in April. Until then I've got the Grammy's in February and I'm working on new music, I'm doing some shows in South America.

Mum was so excited to hear about the Nicholas Sparks movie as I knew she would be. I didn't have a lot of details to give her and I didn't even have a picture to show her of my costar Avery Michaels.

Now I'm thinking about Avery. Why am I doing this? Why do I care what she's doing right now in Colorado? I can hear the clock hand make it's distinctive click that it makes at night when it's a new hour- it's midnight now- officially Christmas here.

What time is it in Colorado and why do I even care?

5pm. It's 5pm there.

Next thing I know I'm texting her. Just a quick merry Christmas. It's the right thing to do right? We're going to be doing a movie together after all.

Merry Christmas in Colorado. Hope Santa is good to you Averyx

I instantly toss my phone face down and want to kick my own ass at my lapse of judgment. Maybe if I just lay here with my face down in this pillow it will all magically disappear and I wouldn't have just texted the girl that called me an egotistical, selfish asshole.


I'm on my third glass of wine as I attempt to drown out Ace's whining about the girl he spotted on the ski slope today that he regrets not going over to and talking to. He can be so smooth, yet so awkward at the same time.

In the hotel bar I'm making him buy me drinks while I have to deal with hearing about the one that got away. I'm a lightweight when it comes to drinking. I'm already tipsy.

When my phone vibrates I have to do a double take at the incoming text message from the contact saved as Styles

Merry Christmas in Colorado. Hope Santa is good to you Averyx

Ok. That was nice. I can be nice too right? Before I know it, I'm replying.

Avery- It's already Christmas there so I assume Santa has been to see you already. Coal in your stocking Styles?

I can be hilarious when I want to be.

Styles- How'd you know? Stocking slam full of it x
Avery-I mean, what do you expect when you've been an ass Styles?
Styles-Careful. He's still gotta come visit you too. Might be the same fate for you x
Avery- I've been good this year Styles.
Styles- Have you now?
Avery- Always.

Now it's awkward. It's been a couple of minutes and he's not replied. I'm not sure there was a reason to reply, but it just feels kinda awkward. I throw my phone in my pocket to prevent me from texting him again.

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