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Life doesn't always turn out the way we plan it sometimes. I learned that when I met the man with the chestnut hair and the emerald eyes. I meant every word I said on that beach in Maui 5 years ago, I meant it then and I mean it even more now.

Once a week when I'm in town you'll find me here somewhere in the middle of rows and rows of books. I still have a love affair with literature and once a week I'm here to reacquaint myself with that love affair.

It was a gift that the man with the chestnut hair gave me one rainy afternoon six months after we pledged forever. A run down, mess of a building that he knew I would make something special of...and so he bought the building.

The bookshop on heath is right down the street from where I live with the man with the emerald eyes and he helped me make it what it is today.

The bell on the door rings to signal a new arrival in the shop and I pull myself up from the seated position I was in as I placed the new arrivals on their shelf

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The bell on the door rings to signal a new arrival in the shop and I pull myself up from the seated position I was in as I placed the new arrivals on their shelf. The shuffling of feet, and then the question I'm asked every week.

"Could you direct me to the Nicholas Sparks section please?" The voice is low and deep and it sends a shiver down my spine to this day.

"Certainly, follow me." I walk to the third aisle and down to the end where Nicholas Sparks books are neatly arranged.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like-" he says.

"Maybe a time or two." I interrupt him mid sentence and he pulls me into his arms.

Emerald eyes. My favorite pair.

"Mrs Styles were you sitting down on the floor again?" He asks in a stern voice.

"Harry- I'm fine."

His hands immediately go to the prominent bump situation I have going on at the moment. He leans down and kisses my belly which makes me laugh every time.

"Has Nicholas terrorized Gemma and Ace enough for the day?" I ask.

"You know he has. It's ok, it's payback for how she tortured me all those years." He laughs.

I call out to Jonas and tell him I'm leaving and to have a wonderful afternoon. I have the best people running things for me here and they indulge my need to come into the shop once a week when we're here.

Nicholas Edward Styles is three years old and he is as rough and tough a little boy as you can imagine. I tell Harry that this has to be payback for his mischievous younger days and his mother backs up my claim. He has chestnut curls and emerald eyes just like his father and he can get his way with a bat of his eyelashes every single time.

Harry is crazy about him and he's an amazing father. He's patient and understanding and he can get Nicky under control better than anyone. He's a beautiful little soul, he's just wild. I have a feeling that the new baby in my tummy is going to ruin Harry. She will be here in two months and he's excited, but also nervous at the thought of having a daughter. I know he will be amazing.

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