Ten. Don't Call Me Baby

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Chapter song
To be so lonely - Harry Styles


I flew out of North Carolina late Friday afternoon and after a couple of hours I was in New York City. Coming over the bridge and seeing the city before me reminds me of the last time I was here. That trip changed everything for me.

It's still changing me.

I'm here to learn how to dance. I'm terrified. In the book Morgan is a social media presence with her friends by doing dance routines on Tik Tok. I don't dance. And I don't do Tik Tok. I'm the least hip person I know honestly.

I haven't spoken with Harry in several days. I'm not sure what he's up to, but I don't want to constantly bug him. If he wants to talk, he will reach out.

My driver takes me to a studio and he will wait for me. I head inside and I'm introduced to the owner of the studio Trey. He's tall, has a dancers body for sure and has an amazing British accent.

We talk about dancing and he goes over what he's going to show me. He tells me that he wants me to give 100% and that the girls that were hired as my "friends" in the film all have dance experience and he wants me to stand out and shine. I like his energy immediately.

I'm headed to the hotel now and then straight back to the studio to begin working with Trey. We are limited on time so we need to get started. I'm staying at the standard high line hotel and it is the nicest place I've ever stayed in. I quickly unpack and change into my dance attire. A pair of black bicycle shorts and a sports bra with a baggy sweatshirt over it and a black trench coat to go over top of everything.

I arrive at the studio and we immediately get to work. Trey promises me that I don't suck as badly as I think I do. He's amazing at making me feel confident and like I might actually not be too bad at this after all. We say goodnight until our next session tomorrow morning.

Heading back for the hotel and I get a text from Nicholas Sparks.

Nicholas- Did you get settled in ok Avery?
Me- just fine thank you. Just finished my dance lesson.
Nicholas- I'm here in the city and tomorrow is an event I'd like us to go to. You game?
Me- what kind of event?
Nicholas- it's a vanity fair magazine party. Kind of a kick off to Oscar's season.
Me- I don't have anything to wear.
Nicholas- totally taken care of. Are you in?
Me- ok. I have dance lessons at 10.
Nicholas- I'll send stylist and hair and makeup team to your hotel at 3.
Me- ok sounds good.
Nicholas- perfect. We'll pick you up at 5:30.
Me- we???
Nicholas- Harry and I. He's flying in tonight. We are all walking the red carpet together to create a bit of a buzz for the movie.

Harry's coming.

Why hasn't he said anything?

I fight the urge to text him. I'm suddenly really nervous about seeing him tomorrow. I toss and turn all night. Not a word from Harry. He has to know I'm here too right?

10 am comes way too soon. I meet the other girls who are cast as my friends and fellow dancers in the film. They definitely look the part. The only thing they want to talk to me about is Harry. Have I spent much time with Harry? What's he like? Is he as hot in person as on tv ? I don't fit in with these girls. I hear them making bets on who can sleep with Harry first. I admit that I'm jealous. They definitely look like his type.

Trey says I'm doing a great job with my lesson this morning and I arrive back to the hotel to shower. A stylist and hair and makeup team will be here soon. I need to shake off my jealousy and anger from earlier.

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