Thirty Seven. You and I.

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Chapter song: You and I by One Direction


I swallowed my pride and listened to her and held back my anger and my frustration to hear what she had to say in the set trailer.

Am I ok? Is everything forgotten? Not by a long shot, but I want to work this out with her. She said she'd get therapy and that she's open to a future for us. I'm taking her word for it and going with that. I'm also keeping a close eye on her and the situation with Devon.

I don't trust him. I don't like him. What is the saying though? Keep your friends close but your enemies closer? I'm watching him and I won't let him destroy her or us.

I'm really going to try to be on my best behavior tonight, for her. I shower and get dressed and make my way to her cottage to pick her up. She's dressed in a white sundress and she looks beautiful. I kiss her as she climbs into the car.

We drive into Clearwater Beach to meet with Devon. As we arrive, the place is packed. Of course he's picked a high profile, crowded place. I know his strategy. He's done this for publicity. He wants us to be seen. I won't be surprised if he's not tipped off some paparazzi.

The valet parks my car and we head inside to meet with Devon who's already waiting. I sit down for two minutes and immediately a group of girls approach our table. As I'm signing autographs Devon asks Avery how the film shoot went today, he said it so that this group of fans would hear.

"A film? Are you making a movie here?" One of the excited fans asks.

"I am. This is my costar- say hi to Avery girls."

The fans say hello to her and then ask if they can take a selfie with us. This is going exactly as Devon wanted it to. I play along like I don't know what he's up to though.

After the fans leave Devon excuses himself for a restroom break and Ava turns to me to apologize. I reach over and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and that's when I notice a photographer outside taking photos of us outside the window we are seated in front of. I knew it. He tipped off the paparazzi. I keep quiet though.

I'm also aware of the numerous cell phones that are aimed at us right now too. I pretend not to notice. We order our food and Devon talks about her magazine shoot this week and how he wants to nail down some dates for a mini tour once filming ends.

"I'll be coming along for that." I say.

Both Devon and Ava look at me.

"You don't have anything else lined up after the film Harry?" Devon says coldly.

"Nope. Just writing some new music, but I'm going to be available for Ava. Wouldn't miss her tour for the world." I smile.

There's now a tension in the air and based on the way Devon is looking at me I'd say it's obvious he knows I'm on to him and what he's up to.

"Sure Harry. Sounds great." Devon mutters.

Ava excuses herself to go to the restroom and he wasted no time in getting to the point.

"You know Harry, it really would be a distraction for you to be with her for every date. We could arrange a couple of dates to have you at, but the entire tour is a bit much." Devon says.

"A distraction? Know what else is a distraction? That pap that's been snapping my photo for the last thirty minutes outside is a distraction Devon." I say.

"Of course you noticed. Guilty as charged. It's all in good fun Styles. Just a little something to help get her some exposure and get her name out there." He laughs.

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