Forty Two. Electric Love

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Chapter song: Electric Love by Borns


It's Friday and it's the last day of filming for Dreamland. Ace has gone home and it's just the cast and crew left now. It's bittersweet and hard to believe that this is it. Over six months from those very first beginnings to now and what is the ending for this film. It's been surreal.

Harry says that this was a pretty low key movie and that overall most people just kept to themselves for the most part. I didn't make friends with any of my fellow actors. Instead, Harry and I grew close with our hair, makeup and wardrobe team. We grew close with the boom operators and camera personnel. The interns who would crack jokes with us in between scenes and bring us bottled waters and coffee just to be nice.

From what I've heard that's just Harry though, he makes friends with everyone and treats all people the same no matter if they are a huge star or an intern that most people don't even take the time to learn their names. Harry is one of the kindest people you could ever meet.

I'm a bit emotional today on set and my makeup person teases me that I'm doing this on purpose in order to see her more today. Harry keeps a watchful eye on me today and every time I tear up, he's immediately by my side rubbing my arm or giving me a hug.

It's unspoken, but it's a known fact that Harry and I are together off the set. I hear his hair person tell him how happy they are for him and that we make a lovely couple. Harry smiles proudly.

As the last scene wraps Cameron yells cut and that's a wrap and everyone cheers! Nicholas pulls me in for a hug and pats Harry proudly on the back.

Nicholas makes a speech about how proud he is of what we've created and what a dream it was to have his ideal person play Colby. Harry looks down and blushes at his words.

Cameron makes a speech and he points out how apprehensive he was to come produce a film where the leading lady is a bookstore owner from North Carolina who's never acted a day in her life. Everyone laughs.

Cameron announces the club that the party is at and the time everyone should arrive. We head back to our trailers to gather our things for the final time.

"Lot of good memories in here." Harry smiles as he follows me into my trailer.

"I can't believe we're done." I reply.

"It's funny that we fell in love because of a script about a farmer from North Carolina and tomorrow you're taking your very British boyfriend to North Carolina. Guess Colby and I had more in common than I realized." He laughs.

"Pure serendipity." I pull him in for a hug.

"C'mon Morgan. Let's go." He grabs my hand and we leave the set for the final time.

We arrive at my cottage which is in disarray with my belongings scattered around for my departure tomorrow. Harry has insisted on flying us private to North Carolina which will be nice.

I notice a wrapped box on the kitchen counter. As I walk closer he gives me a smile that lets me know this is his doing.

"What is this?" I ask.

"I like to present my costars with a gift at the end of filming." He smiles.

"Hmm is that right?" I smile.

"Yea. Go on. Open it." He says as he leans against the doorway watching me.

I open the box only to find a smaller one inside of it and then another smaller one. Finally I come to a rectangular shaped box.

Inside is a platinum bracelet with an id tag that simply says H & A Always and it has a small heart attached to the clasp that dangles. It is stunning.

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