Twelve. Wonderwall

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Chapter song- wonderwall Ed Sheeran version


I didn't get much sleep last night. I wanted to turn around and drive back to Avery's hotel and I almost did. Key word being almost.

I can't believe I admitted to her what I wanted to do. It just slipped out really, and once the words were spoken there was no turning back. I told her they wouldn't be delicate words, sweet words, words that she deserves to hear. They were honest words and she told me she wanted honesty above anything else.

She has consumed me. In the short amount of time that I've known her, she has consumed me. I want to know everything about her. I want to know her dreams, her fears. I want to memorize every curve of her body, every freckle across her skin. I want to know every burst of color that makes her eyes a perfect mixture of blue and grey. I want to know it all.

I want her arms around me. I want to hear her say my name in the middle of the night when I'm inside of her. I want to feel her nails digging into my back when I'm pleasing her the way no one has before.

Plain and simple, she's a wonderwall. She's my wonderwall and as much as I fight it and deny it, something deep down tells me she might be the one to save me.

It's stupid, I know it is. That's why I fight against it so hard. How can she be that for me when we've only met a couple of months ago? It doesn't make sense, hence why I fight it.

I anxiously await 10 o'clock so that I can pick her up. I plan to grab lunch from here on my street and bring her back here so that we can talk in private. It's hard for me to get much privacy these days.

I'm flying back to LA tonight. I've got a few loose ends to tie up before I prepare to go to Florida for the movie shoot. As I'm waiting for the time to come to go pick her up my phone rings and it's Nicholas Sparks.

He and I exchange pleasantries and he tells me he picked up on some tension between Avery and I last night and he has an idea but he wants to bring her into the conference call. I hold the line as he adds her to the call.

"Avery, good morning...I'm glad I caught you before you left, I've got Harry on the line also." Nicholas says.

I say hello and she says hello back.

"So the shoot is to begin April 15th. Of course you'll be due in Florida on April 1st for table reads and last minute costume fittings and such. I wanted to talk to you both about an idea I have. I noticed some tension last night between you two and I wanted to arrange for you both to spend some time together developing your working relationship and building some chemistry. I'm thinking of bringing in a coordinator to help with that if needed. Is that something we could possibly do?" Nicholas asks.

Avery asks how soon he's thinking time wise and he says he wants to fly us to a location in two weeks and we'd have two weeks together.

I waste no time in saying that I can make that work with my schedule and finally Avery says she can make it work also. He tells us to start planning and packing and he'd send over the details. We end the call and I immediately text Avery.

Me: we need to talk. Can I come now?
Ava: yes. Did you know about this?
Me: I didn't have a clue. I promise. I'm as surprised as you are x
Ava: I'm all packed and ready. Should I just take a car to you?
Me: can you come to my place x
Ava: yes, if that's ok with you.
Me: I'm sending a car for you now x
Ava: ok.
Me: Jenkins will be there in ten minutes x

I order some food to be delivered here and I text Jenkins to have him keep her luggage in the car and we will be going to the airport together later. I tell him I'll text him when he's needed. He's my driver when I need one here.

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