Forty Six. Stand Where I'm Standing

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Chapter song Stand Where I'm Standing by Holy Holy


We've been on the road for nearly two weeks now and there's only a couple more shows. For the most part it's been good. The audiences are seeming to love the music and nearly every show has been sold out. I'm the most confident I've ever been on stage. The only downside has been Harry. Something is bothering him and he won't tell me what it is. I've tried asking him several times and he shrugs his shoulders and says nothing is wrong. I honestly don't know what to do at this point.

I'm just trying to get thru these last few shows and then I'm ready to go to England with him. He hasn't spoken much about it, but I assume we are still going. Tonight we are in Phoenix, Arizona and then it's on to Vegas and LA. Harry joins me at soundcheck just as he has all the other times aside from the first show. There hasn't been a time where he's left my side since that first show where we fought and he didn't show up until right at showtime. He's just quiet and I know something is bothering him.

He keeps asking me if there's anything I need to talk to him about and I have no idea what he's talking about. There's literally nothing aside from my being ready to finish this and to go to England with him. Today when we arrive at the venue for sound check we are greeted by Devon unexpectedly. Harry rolls his eyes and I can feel his hand tense in mine. When Devon is gone things are great. When he's around its tense and I'd rather him not be here honestly. I do a quick run through at sound check and Devon then tells me he needs to talk to me privately.

Harry, Devon and I head back to the dressing room and Devon asks for Harry to leave. I refuse and tell Devon that anything he has to say can be said in front of Harry.

"I've got some good news. Ok, some great news Avery." Devon begins.

"Ok, what's going on?" I ask.

"How would you like to be an opener for the Kane Brown tour?" Devon asks.

"What? Are you serious? When did this happen? How did this happen?" I ask.

"His manager loved your demo and played it for Kane and he wants you on the tour." Devon says.

Kane Brown is one of the top male country artists of the past year and he has a huge following. He's wildly popular right now and I can't believe he's actually heard my music. I look over to Harry and I can't read the look on his face. Obviously this is something I need to discuss with Harry and get further details on. I'm just flattered that I've been asked honestly.

"I need some time to think about this and to discuss this with Harry." I reply.

"You can take a few days but we have to give them a decision on this as soon as we can. It's a huge opportunity for you and I'm sure Harry is supportive of this huge opportunity available to you, right Harry?" Devon smirks.

"Of course. Hey Dev, just a couple of questions for you. How long have you known about this?" Harry asks.

Devon shifts on his feet back and forth a couple of times and it's clear that Harry knows something I don't.

"A few weeks. I've known a few weeks. Nothing of course was confirmed so I wanted to wait until I told Avery about this." He stutters.

"Course. I mean, nothing could have been confirmed when Chayce told me about it in Raleigh right?" Harry glares at Devon.

Chayce? Chayce told Harry? Has this been what's bothering Harry?

"What? What does Chayce have to do with this Devon? How did he know?" I ask.

"Yea Dev, how did Chayce know about this? Tell her." Harry clenches his jaw.

"Well, he's also been asked to open. It would be you and Chayce opening for Kane. You'd sing your duet nightly together and make a few appearances here and there together. It's a great opportunity for you both." Devon says matter of factly.

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