Six. You don't want my demons baby

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TW- drug abuse

Chapter song- Habits- Stay High Tove Lo (can be played above)


Thankfully this party is right downstairs in one of the big ballroom type spaces. This hotel is so fucking dark. It's easy to hide your vices and your demons here. I think that's why so much shit has happened here over the years.

I meet Jeff downstairs and we head into the event space. Immediately Jeff hands me a whisky. He raises his eyebrow when I drink it like a shot and go for another one instantly.

"You alright?" He asks.

"I'm good. Just kinda in the mood to have a little fun." I reply.

"How much fun?" He asks.

"That's yet to be determined." I answer.

"Good thing you're staying upstairs."

"Exactly why I want to have some fun."

"Does your fun involve the blonde standing over there who's eye fucking you right now?" Jeff asks.

"Probably not. That's yet to be determined also I guess." I shrug my shoulders.

"Come on, let's mingle." Jeff tugs my elbow.

We walk the room and it's the same as it always is. Fake smiles, scantily clad women begging to be fucked, people slipping each other pills, bullshit promises and business deals being worked out on napkins. God this city is the worst.

In the back corner is where the tables are. The tables that have the lines of white powder. That's really where I wanna go. I can handle it. Jeff gets caught up in conversation with someone who wants to sell him a lucrative business idea.

I excuse myself and head to the back table when the blonde who was eyeing me earlier steps into my path.

"Hi there." She purrs.

"Hello. How's your evening?" I politely reply.

"It's good now. I'm Amber."

"Nice to meet you Amber. I'm Harry."

"Everyone knows who you are." She purrs as she steps closer to me.

"If you'll excuse me I'm headed back there." I nod my head in the direction of the back corner.

"I'm headed that way too. May I join you?" She asks.

"Sure. Why not?"

She's a beautiful girl. Fake boobs, fake lips, fake hair. All things to make her this towns definition of beautiful. I'm sure she's a model.

I take a seat at one of the booths and in front of me are lines and lines of powder. I take a deep breath and for a second I contemplate doing this. The blonde beside me wastes no time in doing a line. She then rests her hand on my upper thigh and gives me a suggestive glance.

Fuck it. I'm doing a line or two. Immediately after doing one line I decide to do another. It usually takes about ten minutes before I can feel the calm wave wash over me. After my second line the blonde now has her hand resting on my crotch.

I could take this girl upstairs and fuck her right now. If it wasn't for the gorgeous girl who's already in my suite. Ava.

Another whisky. Another line. I'm starting to feel the euphoria take over. Jeff comes to find me and he tells me I need to get to my room before I make a spectacle of myself. God forbid Harry Styles makes a spectacle of himself or is seen with pupils the size of saucers and high out of his mind.

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