Thirty nine. Love You Goodbye

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Chapter Song Love you goodbye by One Direction


We came to the studio together and we will leave together even though today is going to be one hell of a mindfuck with our emotions.

We're filming scenes where Colby and Morgan break up after trying their hardest to make a long distance relationship work. Colby has decided to let her go so that she can pursue her dreams and he gets back to his life of duty.

It's a crazy parallel between movie and real life. I'm determined not to let that happen to us, I'll fight for her and for us every time.

We've been separated since we arrived and when they bring her in she's wearing a simple pair of jeans and a button up blouse. She looks stunning as always.

I'm dressed in a white t shirt and jeans and a baseball hat. She gives me a little wink when she sees me. I smile at her and pull my hand up to tug at my lip so she can see I'm wearing the bead bracelet from Santa Monica pier.

She repeats my movement and shows me she's wearing her as well. Team Morgan and Colby forever. I'm hoping no one notices the bracelets and that we are both wearing them. It's our little secret and I'd love to see it make it into the film where we both have them on at the same time.

Cameron calls for places and I take my mark and she takes hers which is in the doorway of what's supposed to be a barn on my farm.

Action is called and I find her standing there admiring me and instantly I'm submerged in this moment and we are Colby and Morgan. I catch her eye and she smiles at me, it's all Ava Rose in that smile and I can't contain my own smile.

I walk over to hug her and take her in my arms in this moment and I have a brief mental flashback to our early days when I told her I wouldn't be able to be Harry with her in this film. I told her I wouldn't be able to kiss her as Harry and here I am, holding her in my arms as I've done for so many nights now in the privacy of our bubble.

The lines between Colby and Harry and Morgan and Ava Rose were blurred and then erased long ago. I know that now.

I've always been in love with her, but over the course of this film I fell into an all consuming, once in a lifetime, can't live without her kind of love and for that I am so thankful for Nicholas Sparks and this film. This film brought me back to life.

All because of her.

We run thru the scene and even though I get to hug her and kiss her in this scene this is also Colby letting Morgan go. This is Colby loving Morgan goodbye. It actually gets under my skin more than I thought it would.

As cut is yelled after this scene I just reach out and hug her. I don't care who's watching, I need to hug her. She returns the hug tenfold.

"I needed that." She says.

"Me too." I let out a nervous laugh.

A quick makeup touch up and then another scene, this time it's another bed scene. A robe is brought in for her and I shield her body as she climbs into the bed and pulls the robe off and the duvet up to cover her chest that is bare.

This is a scene of us talking in bed seemingly after sex and I'm telling her to go and be great in Nashville and that I love her and I always will. Cameron thought my "acting" was brilliant when a tear rolled down my cheek.

End scene and another makeup touch up and one last scene. This time Ava cries and it nearly breaks my fucking heart. She begs Colby to reconsider ending the long distance relationship and he says he can't do that to her. He can't hold her back and he won't hold her down.

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