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Aemma awkwardly shifted on her long legs. The past year she had grown into a tall and awkward young girl. Her feet had grown out of all her slippers and boots, and her dresses had all been thrown out. She leaned on her brother with her shoulder. Her eyes held a sadness now that Ser Harwin had perished in a fire. It had only been recent and the commander had felt like a father towards her. Laenor Velaryon had often been drinking and feasting in flea bottom whereas Ser Harwin had taken Rhaenyra's children to learn swordplay and history.

"Have you seen your father?" Asked Rhaenyra as she placed a hand on Jace his shoulder.  "Your little cousins have lost their mother. They could use a kind word."

"I have an equal claim to sympathy." Muttered Jace. "Jace." . "We should be at Harrenhall, mourning Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin." Spoke Jace with confidence as he squeezed his little sister's hand. The girl stared at her feet. "It would not be appropriate would it mother?" Asked the girl. "No. We must not." Spoke Rhaenyra stern. She grabbed both Jacaerys and Aemma's hands and squeezed them. "The Velaryons are our kin and the strongs are not." Jace looked towards his cousins who beared no resemblance to him. "Look at me, do you understand. Both of you?" The boy turned away from his mother and made his way over to his cousins as the girl stayed by her mothers side. Her fingers woven in her mothers dress.


Aegon and Aemond stood watching their sister mutterings strange words, a sneer evident on Aegon his face. "We have nothing in common." Sighted the boy, his curled white hair blowing in the wind. "Well she is our sister." Protested Aemond. Aegon scoffed at his brother, "Well you marry her then."

"Atleast I would perfom my duty, if mother had only betrothed us."

"If only." Said Aegon as he threw back his wine with a grimace. "It would strengthen the family, keep our Valyrian blood pure."

"She is an idiot."  "She is your future queen." Spoke Aemond with disgust. Aegon smiled at a servant girl as he took yet another cup of wine. "Well Atleast there is one thing we have in common, we both like creatures with very long legs." Aegon grinned at various servant girls. Whereas Aemond glanced at his older sister who had a spider in her hands. Carefully caressing the creature as she kept mumbling prophecies.  "Perhaps I should have married Aemma." Laughed Aegon. "But I ought not to make you more jelous, seeing you don't even have a dragon. I can't also take her."

Aemond raised his eyebrows angrily at his brother's remarks. "That bastard isn't mine nor will she ever be."  Aegon simple chuckeled and drowned his cup.

"Uncle." Bowed Aemma towards the half passed out Aegon, slumped against a wall.

"I hear you and Helaena are to be married soon." Spoke Aemma, her fingers playing with the hem of her sleeves.  "I wonder where this sudden interest comes from cousin." Mumbled Aegon in a bored voice. "I was simply trying to seem polite uncle." Aemma rolled her eyes at him when he eyed her
up and down . "Have you come here to see if it can be undone, so you may yet still marry me?" Chuckled Aegon as he spilled a bit of wine on his chest. The cup in his hand dangerously shaking as he brought ut up to his lips. "You are such a fool." Spluttered Aemma. "I have no wish to marry you, only to congratulate you, I will take my leave."  Aemma bit on her lip as she walked off to find her brothers. She noticed them sitting with their cousins. The four of them holding hands. Her grandmother Rhaenys was sitting in front of them, comforting the young girls.  Aemma felt out of place to join them, and thus stalked off towards her mother, to find comfort in clasping her skirts one more. Yet the moment she reached her mother Vhagar's wail was heard and the girl stopped in her tracks. She noticed Aemond looking up. He was yet without a dragon, and Vhagar  was without a rider, and Aemma had a bad feeling in her chest.


"It's him!" Screamed Baela.

"It's me." Spoke Aemond uninterested.

"Vhagar is my mothers dragon."

"Your mother is dead" Sneered Aemond  Rhaena grabbed her sister's hand.

"and Vhagar has a new rider now." 

"She was mine to claim!"

"Then you should have claimed her!"

"Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride." Spit Aemond. "It would suit you."

The next thing Aemma knew she had punched Aemond straight on the nose. "You prick!" Yelled the white haired girl while Aemond pushed her to the floor. "Take it back!" Her two cousins also joining in the fight and attacking while everyone screamed. "Come at me again and I will feed you to my dragon!" Yelled Aemond as he punshed Baela in the face.

Jace and Lucerys jumped towards Aemond but were also quickly pushed away, for Aemond had been trained by Ser Criston Cole and was thus a skilled fighter already at his young age.

The children screamed as the fought their cousin and Baela, Rhaena and Jace threw punshes at a defenseless Aemond. Aemma scrambled to her feet and tried to push her little brother off. "Stop it! Stop it" pleaded the girl, though foolish for she had thrown the first punch. Aemond grabbed Lucerys by the throat and grabbed a rock holding it towards his cousin's face. "You will die screaming in flames, just like your father did, bastards!" Lucerys started crying and tried to kick Aemond. "My father is still alive." Mumbled the little boy as he grasped for air.

"He doesn't know does he lord strong?" Chuckled Aemond. Jace whipped out a knife and charged at Aemond as his cousin yelled to stop him.

Aemma screamed as she charged her body into her cousin's and he hit her in the head with a rock. She fell down and tried to move away from him as she felt her conscious slipping.

He walked towards her with the rock raised high. Pure hatred in his eyes. Her heart pounded in her chest as she pushed up the dirt with her fingers to throw it in his eyes, hoping to make an escape. She closed her eyes but it were not her screams that filled the room it were Aemonds. He clutched his bleeding face as he screamed in agony. The kids all started screaming, even Lucery's who looked startled at what he had just done to his uncle's eye.

"Cease this at once!" Yelled out a kingsguard who had entered the chamber. He crouched down at Aemond's side and hushed him in a calm voice. Begging him to show him the wound. "Oh gods."

"Aemma!" Yelled Baela, "She is not waking up!" Aemma lay motionless as her brothers and cousins tugged on her arms and hair.

"Fetch the Maester! Fetch two of them!" Yelled the Kingsguard as he got to his feet.


"How could you allow such a thing to happen?"  Spoke King Viserys Targaryen in a tired voice. "I will have answers."

"The princes were supposed to be abed. my King." Spoke the kings guard, his eyes filled with fear, as he had failed to protect the princess.

The King was nowhere near satisfied with this answers and demanded to know who had watch.

"You swore oaths to protect my blood!" Screamed the king, ignoring the apologies of the Kingsguard,

"The kingsguard had never had to defend princes fron princes your Grace." Spoke Ser Criston with confidence, yet this only seemed to enrage the king
"That is no answer!"

"It will heal? Will it not?" Pleaded the Queen as she held her sons hand.  Maester Kelvyn glanced at Aemond his worried mother, before continuing to stitch up the wound when he gave his answer. "The flesh would heal, the eye would not." At this the queen became enraged. "And where were you?"

Queen Alicent slapped Aegon in the face as she demanded to know where he had been during the fight, she compared his whining to nothing, seeing his brother had lost an eye. 

At that moment Lord Corlys entered the room, demanding to know what happened. To be followed only a moment later by Rhaenyra and Daemon,who rushed over to her sons, asking them what happened.

"Where is Aemma? Lucerys, where is your sister?"


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