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Aemond bit his lip as he eyed his cousin stroked her dragons head. He was still dragonless and although Aemma promised him they could share hers, deep down he knew Valera would never be his.   "Aemond, come here." Spoke Aemma as she pulled on his arm. Aemond looked up at the large orange dragon with wonder in his eyes. "She won't hurt you." Aemma gestured for Aemond to pet the dragon but as soon as he brought hus hand closer to Valera's scales the beast flinched and growled. "Lykiri Valera." Whispered Aemma. "I only wish to show Aemond the skies Valera, he won't hurt you I promise." Aemond loved when Aemma spoke in high valerian. His brother and sister had little interest in speaking the language and his grandfather was often too occupied to speak it with him.

"I promised." Whispered Aemond in high valerian as he brought his hand closer again. This time the dragon did not flinch but she let him pet her. "Lykiri." Spoke Aemma again as she climbed up on the saddle. "Come Aemond."

The sun shone bright and burned Aemma's skin as she approached the Queen and Heleana, luckily the two were seated under an archfilled with blooming flowers thus providing shade. 

"Good afternoon." Curtisied Aemma before she took place at the table.

"Her blood will flow pure." Whispered Heleana as she sipped from a cup. "Mhm" smiled Alicent at her daughter, forever ignoring the girls riddled prophecies.
"Aemma and Aegon, how lovely of you to join us,"

Aegons smile was evidently fake as he curtisied. "Mother, I'm afraid I am unable to join you, I have duties to attend to."

Alicent almost rolled her eyes when she responded to her son's lame excuse. "Of course Argon." The prince quickly stalked off without giving as much as a smile towards Heleana.

"Aemma have you eaten yet." Asked the Queen with a smile, gesturing for her to sit down. "I'm afraid I haven't yet so I suppose I must break my fast with honey cakes then." Heleana grinned at her cousins response, the two kindling over their fond memories of stealing honey cakes from the kitchen. "You must!" Exclaimed Heleana with a grin as she slammed her cup down a bit loudly.

Alicent sighted and folded her hands together on the table eyeing Aemma who took a bite of a honeycake and closed her eyes in enjoyment.  "Aemma, what did you and Aegon converse about, it is refreshing to see you two rekindling your friendship."

The princess' face changed to a sour expression in an instant. "Prince Aegon simply wished to make small talk your grace."  Lied Aemma.  "Of course." Muttered the queen. Alicent glanced at her own cup and twirled s strand of her daughters white bair between her fingers. "Heleana, would you care to retrieve the book I talked about? It is in your fathers chambers. I would have a handmaid do it, but I'd rather trust you to it." Spoke the queen with a faint smile. Heleana smiled, "Of course mother, for soon three eyes will be drawn up."

Aemma grabbed a cup of steaming tea and sipped from it. "Aemma." Spoke the queen in al almost whisper. "You should never place yourself in such a position as your mother once did."

Aemma almost cboked on her tea at the Queens words. "I assume you are referring to mothers youth." Said Aemma, while half coughing her tea away. Alicent took a moment to stare at the table, her eyes seemed distant.

"Your mother and I were close once." Started Alicent with a strain in her voice, as if she tried to hold back. "Though I can't speak for your mother I sometimes wished things had gone differently." Alicent refilled her own cup with tea and the two women looked at eachother in silence as if neither of them knew where this conversation was going.

"Aemond is a good man, he will do his duty, but I cannot have him forced into it Aemma, if rumours about you two errupt, he will have to wed you." Spoke Alicent quickly.

Aemma felt angered at the Queens accusation of her forcing Aemond into marriage by starting rumours, she knew the Queen must have also heard about her and Aemond's night in fleabottom. She started to feel stupider and stupider by the hour for having an innocent night of fun. Aemma knew that were she to have fun like this around any other town, no one would bat an eye. Alas the capital was filled with more eyes than any other place.

"Of course." Spoke Aemma softly with a fake smile plastered on her face. "Your grandfather the king wishes to marry you to Aemond." Spoke Alicent. She brought her cup of of tea to her mouth.

Aemma suddenly felt hot, her pulse quickened a bit. Although Aemma was fond of Aemond, she had no wish to marry him, marry at all. She felt horrid anout the idea of bearing children.

"Although that is up to dicuss of course." Spoke Alicent. The queen set her cup back down and breathed out slowly.

"Your mother and brothers will be visiting Kings landing in a few days, There is a petition being heard over the lord of driftmark." 


"Mother!" Yelled Aemma as soon as she saw her mother and Daemon entering the wing were the Princess used to reside when she was younger. The very wing of the castle in which Aemma now slept.

"Why hasn't anyone told me you were arriving." Spoke Aemma as she eyed her brothers. Aemma was immediately engulfed in a hug by her siblings and the lot of them broke out in laughter.

"It is rather a grim welcoming we received is it not?" Remarked Daemon. Aemma rolled her eyes and smirked at her step father. "I can't recall them even making any preparations." Whispered Aemma in his direction.

"Aemma love, I have missed you deeply, we have received word from the King that you have been keeping up well with your history lessons." Smiled Rhaenyra at her daughter.  The young girls heart sunk immediately, for her grandfather had not been present lately at all. "I suppose you must have received false word from Otto then." Rhaenyra gestured to all the Faith of the seven regalia taking up space on the walls. Daemond sighted at this. "You mean you haven't been spending time with my father?" Asked Rhaenyra confused. "Rather with the queen, although I think it's best you visit grandfather yourself mother. He has fallen gravely ill and the hightowers have kept quiet about it."

Jacaerys frowned at his younger sister and crossed his arms. "Then why did you not write us Aemma?" At this Aemma rolled her eyes. "As if they would let a raven with such a scroll leave the grounds Jace."


"What are you up to tonight Aemma." Whispered Aemond to the girl when the two walked besides eachother in the hall.

"Not tonight Aemond, if we were to fky our dragons together there might be more rumours:" whispered Aemma back, she refused to meet his eye and kept her vision straight ahead. "Besides you have avoided me ever since our last 'adventure'" sneered the girl.  Aemond chuckled and halted his step, letting the girl walk away from him.  He stared at Aemma's back and wondered whether she regretted flea bottom or not.

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