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"I didn't notice." Whispered Aemma back, she turned her head a bit to try and face Aemond, which she failed miserably at, he was much taller than she was and he was right behind her. The two targaryans were hiding from the city guard. A man had been murdered and his companion had described the two hooded figures who had ran away as a pretty girl with a scarf and a hood, and a one eyed slender man. If only they had seen their hair, had the two of them been royally fucked.

"Well you ought to fucking notice. I should have never taken you here. If anything would have happened. Aemma, I put you in danger and my father would have my head." Aemma bit her lip, feeling partially guilty, as she should have stayed closer to Aemond instead of talking to strangers in bars.

"I should have, well I shouldn't have talked to strangers. I'm sorry Aemond." Aemma felt stupid for trusting that strangers could be kind, stranger were rarely kind. Let alone strange men inside a bar. She felt like she should have known better. Her privileged princess upbringing had made her partially blind to the dangers outside of court.

She felt Aemond's body pressed against hers. He felt hot against her, like a shield. She felt protected with him this close. His fingers pressed in her shoulders. "It's not your fault. Let's just get back to the castle Aemma."

Her name felt sour on his tongue. How could he have been so reckless as to take his cousin to flea bottle for his own entertainment. He ran his hand over his cape and sighted.

"I do really feel-"

"Aemma." Aemond turned around and glared at the girl. His brow raised at her. Aemma's mouth fell open, her eyes twinkled in the moonlight, her hair reflecting the amber light of the streetlamps. She could feel her heart pound against her chest. His breath felt warm against her face. She looked up at him through her lashes, he looked beautiful in the moonlight, every targaryen did, whatever light graced their features they were blessed with beauty. Though Aemma swore Aemond looked even more so with his scar, it gave his face character. "Aemma close your mouth." Grinned Aemond, feeling thriumph for making the girl in front of him so evidently nervous. He reached out a hand and wrapped a strand of her white hair around his finger, and leaned in even closer. "We mustn't stand so close to eachother, they may be rumours."Whispered Aemond. Aemma's heart pounded in her chest, her knees felt weak and she blushed a deep crimson red.

He took a step back and held put his arm. "Let's head back Aemma."


The string that had tightened around Aemma's heart loosened a little when she was back in her own chambers, she felt tired and a desperate need to bathe, yet she was too tired to do anything at all and let herself fall back against her cushioned bench.

"Oh jace and Lucerys, if only you two knew what I had been up to." Sighted Aemma with a grin. "I wish my brothers were here so I could tell them all about my adventures." Aemma looked at the table in front of her and frowned. "I wonder though if I could?" She asked herself. Then she shook her head laughing. Her brothers might maim Aemond had they known.

Aemma grabbed a quill and some ink, she felt like she needed to write in her diary about her adventures immediately. Her heart tightened whenever she thought about tonight's adventure, she wished to relive it all again. (Apart from the gory parts) for she felt alive for the first time in a while.

"Are you sure of this?" Asked Otto Hightower his daughter, Alicent, The Queen. "I can't let them be wed. She might have white hair and purple eyes, but she ought to be a bastard all the same."

"We don't know that for sure when it comes to her Alicent." Spoke Otto quietly. "Surely spoken or not my son will not marry her." Sneered Alicent. She placed her hands upon the table. The chamber in which the hand and queen spoke was dimly lid and graced the Queen's beautiful features. She looked tired, both physical amd mental as she spoke her next words.

"I have received information that Princess Aemma and Aemond were seen, and I repeat Seen! Standing close in al alley," Alicent looked up to her father and then quickly glanced towards Ser Criston, her trusted protector. "Where might those rumours go? Rhaenyra did as she pleased once. Now her daughter will do all the same. It will not take long before she stumbles down the same path and I will not have Rhaenyra's daughter take my son down with her."

Otto took a seat at the table and cleared his throat, nefore gesturing for his daughter to take a seat too. "We must discuss this with the king tomorrow." Spoke Alicent. "We cannot, he might betroth them right away, we must keep it quiet from Viserys, and especially from his brother." Spoke the hand softly. "Although we must explore it further, if we marry them on a rumour, we have Aemma in our hands, she might yet be proven to be a pawn Alicent."

"We shall discuss this further on the morrow then with out trustee's." Said Alicent as she stood up and walked out of the room without another word. 

"I reckon Aemma is just like her mother." Spoke Ser Criston Cole as he walked besides the Queen. "She may yet...." Alicents words got stuck in her throat. Her mind flooding with the fond memories of her and Rhaenyra growing up together. Her heart ached for those times often, though she would never show it. "Ser Criston, see to it that Aemond is brought to my chambers first thing in the morning."


"We were only having a bit of fun mother." Exclaimed Aemond. Alicent shook her head and turned her back towards her son, facing the window she looked out to the city.

"First of all, you were seen, close to her?" Spoke Alicent angry. "Secondl-"

"Mother 'close to her' means nothing, I was simply protecting her from some small folk scum."  Alicent raised her hand as to keep her son quiet. "Don't interrupt me Aemond, you shouldn't have had to protect her in the first place. Do you realize the situation you have put yourself in? You might yet need to wed her if your father were to hear of this?"

Aemond rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Rhaenyra will never let that happen, we both know that."  The room felt tense as soon as the heir's name was spoken. "Perhaps we ought to let it happen if she weren't a bastard." Muttered Alicent.

"Aemma may-"

"Aemma may look like a Targaryen with her white hair, purple eyes and tan skin, but we can still question her seeing she is Rhaenyra's child. And you will not wed a bastard." Spoke Alicent with fire in her eyes. "Mother I simply, I, I promise I will not be seen in such,  positions anymore. I will
Uphold my duty."


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