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She knew Aemond would react to this, wether he'd show her or not. She poisoned his mind with her suggestion. He was Viserys his son, the only ambitious one. She was Rhaenyra's daughter, and though she lacked ambition to become queen, she didn't lack interest, knowing that she could, and would try to secure the Iron Throne for her family. She swore to herself that her mother should be Queen, not Aegon, not Aemond, not herself. But if convincing Aemond that he should be King, with her at his side to strengthen the claim, would get her a step closer to crowning her mother. Then she would.

Aemma's heart raced in her throat when Aemond swiftly whipped around and grabbed Aemma by the shoulders. She expected him to throw her into the wall, or squeeze her shoulder, but he didn't, he only held her softly.

"Don't." Whispered Aemond. He raised his hand and brushed a few strands of loose her from his face before tilting his face, he pushed one finger against her lips. "Speak of this." He pressed the tip of his indexfinger between her lips. Aemma looked up at him, Aemond his lips were slightly parted and his eye seemed alarmed yet mischievous as if a small part of him became convinced already.

"It is only a jest." Whispered Aemma as she grabbed Aemond his hand and placed it on her waist. She raised herself on her tiptoes and held her face close to Aemond's. "Us being King and Queen to represents both sides won't stop this country from burning."

She fell back onto her heels and intentionally touched her stomach. She needed to press Aemond more. Manipulate him onto her side. "Let's take a walk through the gardens. Please. I can't stand being in these chambers and halls any longer." Aemma didn't wait for Aemond to respond, she made her way towards the garden, which would now be shrouded into darkness, Aemond his footsteps followed her and she smiled to herself.

"Why make such haste." Exclaimed Aemond as he nodded at two guards who followed Aemma and Aemond into the dimly lit garden, dismissing them.

"I..." started Aemma, as she quickly walked towards a set of bushes who usually in daylight bloomed a bright orange, now bright orange petals had turned a dull brown under the moonlight, the flowers had closed, leaving only spiky thorns to shimmer in the moonlight.

Aemma sighted and leaned against a wall covered in leaves and tiny purple blooms. The flowers staining what was left of the white of her dress. She didn't seem to mind. She closed her eyes and put her hands over her face for a second before turning her back towards Aemond.

"You confuse me so-"

"I'm allowed to!" Exclaimed Aemma as she eyed the Targaryen Prince who took a step towards her. Raising his arm lightly, as if he tried to grab at her shadow. "These past weeks have been very fucking confusing." Whispered Aemma as she took a step back and pressed her back into the wall of flowers, staining her clothes and hair further.

"Have they?" Aemond let his hands fall to his side, and leaned on his left foot. "Or have you been plotting all along."

Aemma felt heat rush to her chest, it wasn't as easy as it seemed to convince Aemond he should be King, with her, or he wouldn't show it.

"I have plotted nothing, I am simply thinking of ways to protect a possible fucking Child Aemond. Do you think I wished for any of this. Any! A marriage? A child? I don't want to play your good wife and pop our baby's. I have so much more to do than be a mother. Though now I have to, and I'll do anything, anything to protect my child. Our child."

She couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach at the lies that coated her tongue. She wanted to care for, and love her child, but it was only weeks old, if there was a child at all. For all she knew Aemma just lost her period due to stress and her microdosing of poisons. She had no wish to be a mother so soon. She couldn't love a child that possibly wasn't there. It would be weeks old at most.

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