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When Aemond was younger, he had always longed for a purpose, being the younger brother meant he held no land, grander title, no inheritance, and little to no importance, he felt as if he was a spare, and being Dragonless for a long while had only worsened his doubts. He had always wished to see his family on the throne, not Rhaenyra never Rhaenyra or her bastard son. Aemond was ambitious and driven, he studied hard, fought hard, and respected his mother and duty above all. Aegon, a drunken fool, was nothing more than a igoramus in his eyes. Aegon only cared for whoring and getting drunk, he refused to pay attention and had no adoration for being King one day, and Aemond had always wished that Aegon would just disappear, run off, go wherever, so that he, who was ambitious, driven and knowledgeable would sit the throne. Aegon was a fool in his eyes. He loved his brother, he cared for his brother, but Aemond deserved the crown, he desired it. Aegon did not. Aegon might desire attention and pleasure, but he'd never yearn succes like Aemond did.

Though some things in regard to feeling useless changed for Aemond when he was put on more responsibilities, when his father, King Viserys became older and weaker his grandfather the Lord Hand had invited him to more and more small council meetings, even ones his mother didn't attend. Meetings where usurping Rhaenyra and ways to get rid of her and her sons were spoken off.

Aemond felt important when he was included on these large matters, on Aegon's succesion, on the pawns that needed to be used and played. The plans that were made.
The moment his grandfather suggested a marriage to Princess Aemma Velaryin, Aemond had felt worried. He had no wish to ever marry to any of Rhaenyra's children, in his eyes, and that off the councilmen, her obvious Strong sons were an insult to the crown, and all of Westeros.

Aemond had always eyed his niece, her eyes curious and her personality ever suprising to him. She hadn't actually always preferred swordfighting over dancing, or drinking ale of wine. She always just wished to be included, pretended to like whatever suited her interests most in the moment. As did he, which made the two drawn to eachother. When he was a young boy he often wondered if he and Aemma would have to marry, they were Targaryen's and it would be in their tradition to do so, though he knew his mother would never allow one of her children to marry one of Rhaenyra's. Often his father had pressed for it, wishing to marry Aemma to Aegon, but Alicent had halted this, as did Rhaenyra.

Aemond told himself his betrothal to Aemma was nothing more than a political move against his halfsister Rhaenyra, though part of him felt satisfaction in marrying the Velaryon Princess. She was beautiful and she was a Targaryen, evidentially so. Aemond wished to keep his Valyrian blood pure and to pursue tradition. Though questions were often made about the Princess's father, Was it Laenor Velaryon? Harwin Strong? Daemon Targaryen? A servant? A lord from Volantis? No one had an answer to it, only rumors. And because of that Aemond had put of the childish thought of marrying his niece for a long time. He held Honor in the highest regard, and Aemma's Mother disrespected honor.

As did Aegon. And every other man in Westeros, a man could not get pregnant, heirs wouldn't be questioned if you were a man. You didn't carry the child, but to him it was unreasonable that he would be able to take as many lovers as he desired where he to marry, and his wife would not. So he swore upon the gods one night, that he'd never take a lover after marriage. Aemond lived, practically breathed on duty and honor.

Aemond had not expected to become a father any time soon, all that was on his mind was war, keeping his family safe and on the throne, and getting rid of Rhaenyra. So the news confused him, made him questions millions of things, what his next move would be, what it could result into.

He knew he was supposed to produce sons, getting Aemma permanently on the greens side through marriage secured more chances of safety towards his family. Aemma being with child would only add to that, as long as she was with them. She was never to return to the Blacks.

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