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Aemond stalked out of the dining chamber, his cousin Aemma followed him. Although he did not feel like dealing with her questions tonight. Though part of him knew he owed the girl answers for his sudden proposal.

"Aemond, truly?" Spoke Aemma with annoyance. "You can't just walk off without explaining to me," The girl crossed her arms "What was the meaning of that?" Exclaimed the girl. "Aemond!" The Targaryen prince ignored her still. "Gods.... Enlighten me Aemond me." The girl pulled a hairpin out of her carefully braided hair and threw it at the Prince.

"I'm talking to you! Aemond. You can't just propose to me and then act like a dick and then expect me to-"

"Wnat?" Sneered the Targaryen Prince.. He turned around and eyed his cousin up and down. "I will uphold my duty Aemma." He took a step closer to her. "But you musn't ask me to play fool for your bastard brothers."

"You're such a dick." Whispered Aemma as she walked past Aemond who stood frozen on the ground. "You shouldn't talk like a man." Aemond shook his head at the princess' cursing before following after her.

"Where are you headed?" Asked the Prince. "Your chambers are on the other side of the castle."

"The dragonpit, my mind is all over. I didn't expect to be betrothed tonight, I did not wish for it, and I need to clear my mind. I will uphold my duties to both our houses, but atleasr promise to let me ride Valera in peace tonight." Hissed the princess. Aemond crossed his arms and shool his head.

"I thought I told you to to let me ride Valera in peace." Sighted Aemma. It was late and the dragon pit had gone dark. The air smelled of sand and ash, a smell which Aemma usually loved. It reminded her of Driftmark. Grievously the air felt different here. Aemma did not like the idea of the dragonpit, in her opinion the Dragons should be able to roam free, or atleast enjoy more daylight.

"I am simply making sure my betrothed is safe." Snapped Aemond back

"Don't act all honorable all of sudden My dear Prince."

"You ought to atleast let me accompany you. The hour is late."

Aemma groaned in annoyance as she led Valera out of the pit, Aemond and Vhagar on their heels.

"Lykiri Valera," whispered the girl at the dragon who suspiciously eyed the white haired Prince. "He annoys me too."

Later that evening when Princess Aemma was on her way back to her chambers, she still could not get rid of Prince Aemond, he had followed her all evening. He and his large dragon had stalked her and Valera in the skies, which had resulted in the two dragons flying wilder and more playfull than usual.

Aemma's clothes were covered in dust and slightly wet from soaring through the damp night sky. Her hair had practically exploded and her skin had gone ice cold.

"I do wish to apologize Princess." Stated Prince Aemond with his hands behind his back. He tilted his head to the side. "When we are wed, I'll keep following you around like this, perhaps you could follow me back around to flea bottom." Aemma sighted, "What games are you playing, what fool wishes to take his wife to Flea Bottom." She shook her head. "Are you trying to anger me, just like you did my brothers, don't speak in riddles Aemond."

"A fool who knows his wife would enjoy getting drunk with small folk." Said Aemonf as he took a step towards Aemma, the girl took a step back in return. It made no sense to Aemma as to why her betrothed would act like this. Aemond and Aemma had never been close. They were friendly with eachother, but it didn't go further than a mutual understanding over wanting to ride their dragons. That's all the time they spent together. "Loosen up Aemma, I am simply jestering. I shall take you to a much grander place if you wish so."

"I'd like that actually."The girl looked up at the carpentry that adorned the walls around them. "I can't wish to wither away." Spoke the girl softly. She grabbed a piece of her loose hair and twirled it around her fingers, refusing to meet her betrothed' his eye.

"Will you return to dragonstone soon?" Asked Aemond suddenly, his gaze fixated on the girls fingers in front of him. He looked at how her fingers twirled pieces of hair between them, and then let them spring free, tiny curls were starting to curtain her eyes.

"Yes." Aemma took a step towards Aemond and simpered at him. "I don't know when I will return."

"You are of age." Muttered Aemond, as if he couldn't wait to get married. Aemma rolled her eyes and sighted. "We have been betrothed for mere hours, please do no-"

"We must uphold our duty Aemma." Spoke Aemond as he took a step towards her. "This is not about me wanting you." Said the Prince as he took another step forwards. To which Aemma took a step back. "Or desiring you." Aemond took another step towards the princess, her heart started beating faster in her chest. "It is about out duty, our bloodline." Whispered Aemond, he reached out and took a piece of Aemma's now curled hair between his fingers. "I dare say I wold not complain." Breather the Prince, he tugged on the strand of hair and watched as Aemma's eyes followed his.

"But it is evermore important that our Valeryian blood stays thick." Aemond set the strand of hairs loose between his fingers.

Aemma breathed out, her heart felt as if it was going to leap put of her chest in both anxiety and excitement as Aemond took another step towards her. She stepped back, the back of her heels hitting the wall behind her.

Aemond reached out a hand and graced Aemma's chin with his fingerstips. "Do you understand Aemma?" Asked the Targaryen prince. Aemma blinked and propped up an eyebrow. She reached out and grabbed Aemond's shoulder. She dug her nails
in her shoulders.

"Do you? You seem awfully off topic." Whispered the Princess with a small smirk.

Aemond looked at her with a puzzled expression, as the air grew thick for him aswell. Aemma traveled her hands down to The Prince's wrist, ber fingers drawing patterns on his clothed skin.

"Stay on your path of honor then." Exclaimed Aemma, she bit her lip and looked up at the Targaryen Prince. "Our duty is most important." Spoke the girl with confidence as she brought her fingers up to his lips the skin soft to her touch.

"Say it." Whispered the girl as she slowly pried the man's lips open with her finger. "Tell me that duty matters above all." His lips were hot against her cold fingers.

Aemond looked down at the girl, his breath tightened in his chest. He quickly brought his hand up to Aemma's hair and brought her face closer to this. She could taste his breath on her lips.

"Don't play games with me Aemma, because you will lose."


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