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Aemma's face had turned a deep crimson, her lips had swollen and her hair had disheveled from Aemond's fingers pulling on it. The Prince had stood frozen besides her before reaching down and grabbing his eyepatch from the floor.

"Mother, I." Started Aemond. Yet he didn't finish as he too seemed lost for words. "Just like her mother." Sneered one of the counsil members under his breath, to which Aemma stepped forward. "How dare you insult-"

"My Princess Aemma you nust recognize the circumstances we have found you in, it is inproper, your chastity could be questioned." Spoke the Queen, her eyes drifted from the young Princess to her son. "And you Aemond, she is to be your wife! Could you not merely wait untill the two of you are properly wed. This could ruin your cousin!" Ecclaimed the Queen as she exchanged a look with her Father the Lord Hand.

Otto Hightower folded his hands together,  "Put yourselves together, I'll see to it that this situation is dealt with, you are not to be seen alone together again untill you are wed." The Hand shook his head at his grandson. "Ruin me? I am not to be ruined over mere kissing." Spoke Aemma taking a step away from her betrotheds "You will be Aemma, how bard is it to simply obey your duty as a Princess, you'll return to Dragonstone soon, where you shall reside untill the union between our two houses take place, Thus preventing further scandals. I will not have our families besmirched."

Aemma tried not to roll her eyes at the Queens remark, however she had felt relieved as she was to return to Dragonstone, her heart ached for her home and her brothers.

"Very well, I shall return to my room to pack then." Muttered the girl, she glanced up at Aemond and tilted her head at the Prince, before offering him a small tug of her lips. "My Prince." Nodded the girl before walking of, her heart thudding in her chest.

The Queen had folded her hands over eachother as she walked towards the Verlaryon Princess' bedchambers, her stomach felt twisted over the events that would soon take place. Her handmaiden and four guards followed behind her, a green dress in her handmaidens hand. Her father the Hand had made for preparations to ensure Aemma's allegiance to the Greens would be made official before the night would end.  Queen Alicent felt nervous, but to her it seemed better than murdering the Verlaryon family.

Reluctantly she opened the door to the Princess' chambers and was met with Aemma, who seemed to just have bathed as the girl was in her nightshift and a robe. "Oh, My Queen I didn't expect you to- I was planning to sleep early tonight." Said the girl, her white hair fell loose around her soft features. "Princess Aemma, you are to have dinner with the King and I, did you forget I bought you a dress, let my handmaidens help you into it."

Aemma shifted on her feet as she noticed the four guards and the Green dress in the Queens's handmaidens arms. "Green!" Asked the girl as she took a step backwards. "I though it would suit yout eyes." Smiled the Queen. "Guards wait outside, Aemma has to be dressed properly."

Aemma breathed out in anxiety as she noticed the fuss that was being made about her being brought to dinner with her Grandfather. "Hasn't my grandfather the King fallen ill?" Questioned Aemma as she was being hoisted up in the green dress. The fabric itched her skin, the girl tried to contain her anxiety over being dressed in green. "He is feeling much better." Muttered the Queen as she went through Aemma's necklaces and picked out a sapphire pendant. "You are to leave for Dragonstone tomorrow Aemma, we simply wish to have a farewell dinner." 

Aemma gulped as her hair was placed in an updo, she feared something else was at bay, she felt like an offering being dressed for slaughter as the guard re entered the room as soon as she was dressed.

The Queen gestured for Aemma to turn around and clasped the cold sapphire pendant around Aemma' a neck. The bright blue gem reminded Aemma of Aemond. Her fingers shook a little as she brushed the pendant with her fingers .

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