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As young children Aemma Velaryon and Aemond Targaryen had been close. Both Aemma and Aemond were the target of torment by their kin. The white haired children had been subject to bullying for years, Aemond had always knew that one day he would claim a dragon and he's be free of it forevermore, as did Aemma, who had quickly claimed a Dragon before she became of age.

On the days before the young Prince Aemond Targaryen would lay claim on Vhagar and bond with the largest Dragon, he had often been asked by Aemma to accompany him, she had sworn to him she'd share her Dragon, were she ever to bond with one herself. And so she did, or atleast she tried. As a child Aemma was yet blind to the dangers at court. Her purple eyes had not yet laid note on the Hightowers their ambitions to the throne. Or rather the Queens fears for her children that had been installed by her father the Lord Hand.

The first time Aemma truly started noticing the paw she could become was when the question if the girl had bled yet had been asked by a small counsil member. The girl had been present as a cup bearer when she and her family still resided in Kings Landing. Her grandfather the King had glanced at his young granddaughter daughter, only eleven years of age before shaking his head and moving onto another matter.

When the Velaryon Princess indeed did bleed for the first time, she had tried to hide it, tears had streamed down her face when he mother had been called into the room by a handmaiden. She cried and begged not to be married her off, at which her mother promised her she'd forever decide herself. It it ever truly came to it that an allegiance was needed, then Rhaenyra promised she would either see to it that Aemma could truly adore the man she was to marry, or that the betrothal would only be held in stand for as long as the allegiance was needed, for the betrothal would simply be undone.

Daemon Targaryen had once joked to the girl that if she ever were to marry, it simply wouldn't count in his eyes for the girl should marry in the ways of Old Valyria for it to be seen as official. Daemon had loved telling Aemma about old Valyria and it's traditions and ways after he had wed the young girls mother. Aemma noticed that where Jacaerys had a lack for bonding with the Valyrian ways as a child, he made up for it as he had grown older. He started taking more Old Valyrian lessons and borrowed his sisters books on the traditions and stories of the kingdom. Lucerys and Joffrey had often made their way into Aemma's lap as she made the stories come alive. She would make sound effects as she told her brothers of Dragon warrriors and excitedly threw her arms up in the air. Her brother's their laughter would fill the air and both Rhaenyra and Daemon often stood smiling in the room.

Aemma had often wrote letters to Heleana about the stories she read in books, about Dragon Dreams and about figuring out the recipe to Honey cakes, she and Heleana had been close as children, yet it seemed that with time passing the two wrote eachother less and less untill one day neither of the Princess' attempted to write.

At her sixteenthnameday, her brother Jacaerys only one year older than her, Aemma had been asked to become a Warden at Kings Landing. Viserys, gravely ill, though not yet dying had wished for his granddaughter to catch up more knowledge and perhaps find a suitor in the capital. Rhaenyra had agreed to send her daughter to the Capital on the condition that she return to Dragonstone each two moons for a fortnight, and that she was not to marry anyone without having ended her wardenship for atleast a year. Rhaenyra saw to it that she would hold onto the promise she had made her daughter.

The day Aemma Velaryon arrived in Kings Landing was a sunny one, the girl had refused to enter the city in a carriage and had instead opted to fly in on Dragonback, she was escorted by two Guards out of the Dragonpit, and was met with the Queen and her two sons and daughter outside.

"Princess Aemma Velaryon, how refreshing it is to see you again. You're all grown up." Spoke the Queen, her face broke out in a smile as the young girl stepped forward and curtisied. "Your highness, as it is to see you." Aemma nodded at her Aunt and Uncle's. "Prince Aegon, Prince Aemond, Princess Helaena." Smiled the girl, she grinned before erupting out in laughter at the same time as Helaena. The two girls swiftly wrapped their arms around eachother. "How I've missed you Aemma." Whispered Helaena in her neck as she squeezed the girl tightly. "Your arrival reveals to us that three eyes will be drawn up." Aemma decided to ask on the girl's vague comment later, a feeling stirred in her gut as she eyed the one eyed Aemond. Aegon simpered at his cousin. "It warms my heart to lay my eyes upon you once more cousin." Aegon dipped his head in respect before eyeing the Princess up and down. "You sure have grown into a woman. Tell me why is it you are not yet wed?"

"Because she had a wardenship to complete brother." Stated Aemond as he slapped his older brother on the shoulder. "Indeed I do, thank you Aemond. I'm afraid I do must ask, where is grandfather? Is he well?" Concern laced the white haired girl's voice, she shifted her weight and played with the hem of her dress. It was a dark red dress, it had double splits on the side, under which Aemma wore black leather riding pants. The Queen shook her head as sorrow laced her voice. "I'm afraid he is gravely ill, yet he is happy to hear of your return to the capital. He wishes to take on History with his granddaughter Princess." Aemma bit her lip and wondered why she was called to wardenship if he grandfather were ill.

Yet only a few moons later, Aemma Valeryon stood in front of the Iron Throne, the Lord Hand, Otto Hightower was seated upon the chair, molten swords splattered around him. The man simpered at the two people in front of him. Aemma Targaryen stood, her hands bound with lace, she was clothed in green, an expression of both murder and depression on her face as she and Aemond were forced to be wed. Her wedding to the Green side meant for Otto Hightower that he could reasonate with his daughter over the way in which Aegon would be crowned King. He had wished for Rhaenyra and her offspring to be dealt with, yet Alicent had demanded a softer route, which he agreed to. He had swiftly executed his plan to get Aemma and Aemond in scandalous positions around the Red keep, Aemond needed little convincing, as Otto knew the boy had a desire for his cousin and her Velaryon blood, with the addition of Aemond being driven in the Greens' their yearning for the crown.

Otto knew tomorrow Aegon would be crowned king, he could hardly contain his exhilaration as Aemma and Aemond finished the wedding ceremony with stoic expressions on their faces. It would all work out, Rhaenyra was in less of a position to start a war now that they had her only daughter in their clutches. Bannermen would get confused as to why Aemma was married to Aemond, and the bannermen that were sworn to Aemma as the only true born Velaryon daughter of Leanor, would follow the Greens. And so Otto hightower felt ever content as he stood up and declared the union of Aemma And Aemond,

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