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Aegon had hid in the Capital for a full day. He knew someone would come looking for him soon but the man  had no interest in being King, and he had little desire in living as a royal much longer, for he truly felt as if he was to collapse undee his family's expectations. He'd rather see his little brother on the throne, for Aegon knew Aemond had always been full of ambition, Aemond studied the sword, spoke near perfect High Valyrian and saw honor and duty towards his family above all. Whereas Aegon would rather drown in his cups, and lay with every woman he could get his eyes on, he had no desire for greatness, he did not feel destined for it. So he hid.


Aemma had been withering in her bed for the past two days, she hadn't spoken to anyone, making the Maesters fear she had gone mute from her illness.

The White haired Velaryon Targaryen princess had started to feel better, but her throat ached so much that even though she could speak, she felt it best she would not. The Maesters had told Aemma she was showing signs of perhaps having been poisoned, at which Aemma pretended to assume it had been the Hightowers. The girl cried in her bed, trying to increment the Maester's their favor. She needed word spread of her being ill, of her being poisoned.

On the third day, Viserys had now been dead for five days, and word of the King's dead had not yet been spread. Aemma had been pulled out of bed and forced into another green dress. Crushed flowers and bronzed powders were put on the girls face to make her appear more lively as she was. Aemma had still refused to speak to anyone, apart from whenever she was alone at night, she whispered to herself as she laid in bed and counted the drops of poison she took.

Aemma sat in her chair, her hair was being brushed by a handmaiden as a guard watched the two of them. The Princess recalled when she and Helaena were children, Helaena had often called her the poison master, a name which Aemma thought had been linked to the two young girls often making cakes out of water, mud and whatever the girls could get their hands on in the gardens of Kingslanding. Helaena had often spoke prophesies, the Princess was a dragon dreamer, sadly her family paid little head to Helaena's mumblings. And so the girl had refused to explain her words often, even to Aemma, her childhood companion. Though it suddenly made sense to the white haired Velaryon girl.  The poison Maester, as Aemma was now poisoning herself. Something which could be seen as foolish, whereas to Aemma, within weeks she would be able to kill aa whole room and drink from the same cup, She would have a grand shot at poisoning her enemies.

She broke out in laughter. Her voice was dry and so was her throat, her laughter resulting in a cough. She could basically read how both the guard and handmaided wondered if the girl had gone truly mad.

"My Princess," Aemma's laughter was halted by the voice of Aemond Targaryen, her husband, She sighted and gestured for the Handmaiden to step aside. She contemplated breaking her silence but whenever Aemond was around she felt a need to voice her thoughts.

"My Prince." Aemma twirled her Targaryen Silver white hair between her fingers, her eyes alive with fire, "We are to attend Aegon's coronation, I know you are still gravely ill, but you are needed there, my Mother, the Queen still, has it arranged that you be carried."

"I will do no such thing." Whispered Aemma to herself before putting her hands over her face and sighting.

"Of course, but please do allow me the pleasure of walking there myself." Aemma felt the urge to roll her eyes, but she was tired, and she knew protesting would get her nowhere. So she complied, Yes she would attend Aegon's coronatiom, but no she would not make an appearance as how the Hightowers wished her to.

Aemond rushed forward and grabbed the Princess' hand, "Please Aemma, I know you loathe me and refuse to make a stand with me, but it is all the way to the dragonpit."

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