Sick in the Head

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"If someone hates you, secretly they are admiring you. They deserve your love and not your hate." ―Debasish Mridha


I looked over at the Gryffindor table, waiting for my friends to show up. Every time the door opened, I had hoped it was them. I played with the table as I sat there. Nothing came across my mind, I couldn't think of anything. It was like my mind was blank and for some reason, I couldn't explain why.

"Sibyl." I looked up, it was Cedric. I gave him a small smile before looking back down. Now I had something to think about. Was Cedric really secretly seeing Cho? If he was, why wouldn't he just tell me? It wasn't like I was in love with him... Well, I did like him. I furred my eyebrows at the thought of all my questions. I looked over to my right and saw Cedric sitting down.

"Are you alright? You don't believe a word he says right?" I looked at him. It was almost like he was trying to make himself believe Malfoy was lying. Almost as if he was lying to me.

"Are you fucking Cho?"

"Huh?" I studied Cedric's face and it told me everything I needed to know. He was fucking her... His face pretending to be shocked, I knew what he looked like when he lied and the face he was making now was certainly not it.

"Merlin, you are... Aren't you?" I laughed slightly, sliding my tongue against my teeth. This was just brilliant... The one boy I told the entire truth about, and let in... Fucking ruined it. For once, it wasn't me who ruined anything. It was finally someone else's fault... So why do I feel this way?

"Sibyl, I promise you-"

"Leave Cedric... I don't want to see you anymore."


"I said leave!" I snapped my head at him, seeing a shocked face. He furred his eyebrows at me... I looked away, playing with the silverware placed before me.

"Leave before I make you." Everyone had been staring at us. Cedric sighed and looked me up and down. One thing I was good at, was maintaining my composure. I knew how to hold in my emotions. I looked back over my shoulder towards the door, just waiting for Hermione to walk through. God did I need an actual friend right now.

As soon as I saw her red hair, I jumped out of my seat. I stormed over to her, getting a concerned glance from her. I grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the boys and dragging her to the girl's bathroom.

"Sibyl! Why are earth are you pulling me so hard." I let go of her arm. I didn't realize how hard of a grip I had on her. She rubbed her wrist and I looked up into her eyes.

"Cedric is fucking Cho." Hermione's face changed into concern. I avoided her eye contact, I knew this was about to get sappy. I bit on the inside of my cheek, what do I say in these situations? I couldn't simply say I was upset... How could I be upset over something that was never official?

"Sibyl... Are you okay? You're crying."

"Huh?" I placed my hand on my cheek feeling the wetness from my tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. I was stupid for it... Cedric didn't want me, that's why we were never official. I stared at my hand for a little bit and then I walked over to the sink to wash my hands.

As I went to dry my hands I looked into the mirror, and what I saw was something I didn't like. I gritted my jaw and punched the mirror, letting out a small scream of frustration.

"Sibyl!" Hermione walked over to me. I stared into the mirror. What a weak girl I was... For the Slytherin Heir... I sure didn't act like one. I was weak, I let people walk over me. Fuck, I even let a fucking Hufflepuff walk over me.

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