Spite, Jealousy, and Smallmindedness

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"Guilt and rage, hatred and fear were pathways to weakness and clumsy choices."
― Jonathan Maberry,


I smiled softly at the trio before they muttered their password and the painted lady opened the door. I smirked at the rest of my crew as we began to walk into their Gryffindor common room.

"By any chance..." The trio stopped walking and turned to look at me. Ron and Harry both looked me up and down and did the same to Pansy, only gaining death glares from the boys.

"Where's Fred's room? He didn't tell us where his room was."

"Down the hall to the left in the boy's dormitory." I nodded as we began to walk into the boy's dormitory. We walked until I found a room with changing lights underneath the door. This must be the room, and if it isn't this is going to be super awkward.

I opened the door with a quick motion, only for our four Slytherins to get glares from other students. Suddenly a friendly hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up only to see a very tall Weasly.

"Sibyl! I'm glad you're here!"

"Hi, Fred!" I hugged him. He had already smelt like alcohol and weed. He let go of me, his arm resting around my shoulders. I looked behind me to see Carter glaring daggers into my head. Pansy and Blaise looked concerned, but they'll be alright.

Fred waved his brother over and we talked for a small while before I was able to turn back around to my friends. I waved off the two Gryffindor boys and turned to smile at my friends.

"What? Did I do something?"

"No, not at all..." I turned to look at Blaise who had nodded his head over to Carter. I rolled my eyes at Carter who was still giving Fred and George a death glare. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his forearm letting him know it was okay. I gave him a small smile, gaining a small one from him in return.

"Let's dance, yeah?" My friends nodded. Pansy and I walked over to the table that had drinks and began to grab cups for us and the boys. I turned around and looked at Pansy, she had a smile plastered on her face and this was one of her smiles that meant she was up to no good.

"What is it, Parkinson."

"Hm? Oh, nothing... Just have a slight idea..."

"And that would be?" Pansy looked at me and pointed. She pointed to the boys, Blaise was trying to get Carter to extend his horizons from me. Which, was understandable we weren't an item, so it would be good for him to get his options. I mean, I do at least so it's only fair.

I looked back over to Pansy who was now looking at everyone in the room. Her eyes scanning everyone's face, and outfits; like a predator looking for its prey. In the meantime, while she was doing her stalking, I took the drinks from her hands and walked them over to the boys.

Carter had a huge grin plastered on his face. I smiled back at him in return, I nudged my head back over to Pansy to indicate that I was making my way back over there, gaining a nod from both of them.

"That one."

"Huh?" I looked to where Pansy was pointing only to see she was pointing at a familiar face. No one other than Neville. I snorted and looked at Pansy who had a serious look on her face.

"Oh, you're like actually serious." She nodded her head and looked back over at him. I had never seen Neville this outgoing before, granted it was definitely the alcohol talking over himself. Pansy handed me her cup and made her way over to Neville. I just took a sip of mine, trying to hold in my laughter about what was going to happen.

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