Careful Consideration

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We're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear, and sadness; to me, they're of equal value to happiness, excitement, and inspiration." ~ Alanis Morrisette


"Pansy... I'm scared."

"It's going to be okay, love... I promise." I stood up from my bed and began pacing my room. The tournament is only a week away and the more I think about my father returning, the more it makes sense for it to happen during the third tournament.

"No, Pansy... This is serious... What if he really does come back during the tournament? Or even worse during the preparations... Before anyone is ready!"

"Love, no one will be ready for his return. Not me, Draco, Blaise, or even you... You can't prepare for something like this... It's only talk. Nothing has been confirmed."

"I guess... I don't know Pansy... He's coming to me in my dreams. I can't sleep at night anymore. All I see is that stupid snake. It's the same nightmare over and over again but as more time goes on the worse and the more real it feels..."

"Sibyl..." Pansy walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. She rubbed my back before pulling away and staring at me.

"I promise it's going to be okay." I sighed and nodded my head. All I'm doing right now is making others worry... But in a sense she's right. Sure, I'm having nightmares and no one can tell me those don't feel real but maybe... Maybe she's right. It's all just talk, and everything will end up okay just like she said.

"Now... Can we go down to dinner with the boys?"

"Yeah." I chuckled softly. I grabbed my robe and wand before making my way to the door. I gave Siren some love before closing and locking my door. Pansy held out her hand for me to grab and I did just that. If soulmates are real, Pansy is definitely mine. Not in a partnership love, but as platonic love. If I was into women, hands down I would go for her.

Either way, she's my soulmate. She knows me in and out, I sometimes don't even have to say anything for her to understand me. I smiled at myself softly before looking over to her, a small smile placed on her face as well.


"Yes, love?"

"I love you... You're my best friend."

"I love you... I'm glad we've become best friends... Who would've known."

"I know right." We giggled to each other as we walked the halls toward the grand hall. As we entered we noticed Carter and Draco talking. We looked at each other before quickly walking over to them. Draco had his fists curled into a ball ready to fight, while Carter just screamed anger on his face.

"Malfoy... Carter." They stared at each other as I called out to them, both of them not wanting to disconnect eye contact.

"Um... Hello? Earth to the boys?" I waved my hand in between the both of them, hoping to break the eye contact.

"Bloody hell." I rolled my eyes and walked over to Carter, pushing him to his side slightly before he finally broke eye contact to look at me. I looked over at Draco who now had his eyes on me as well.

"Can you to like... Not? You guys are pissing me off. Stop with the childish games and grow up." I looked at both of them. Carter had a soft expression while Draco still had his mean and angry expression. I looked back over to Carter, at this moment he seemed the easiest to talk to.

"Carter, please leave."


"No. Leave him alone you know it doesn't end well." I gave him a stern look as he just stared at me. As much as I hated him, I cared for his safety. That will always be my greatest weakness. I care too much for people, even the ones that hurt me the most.

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