Rules and Regulations

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Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter sadness that no one can ever see and feel." ~ Tupac Shakur


"Ms. Riddle... What did I tell you about these kinds of altercations."

"Are you done? I'm missing class." Dumbledore sighed. I placed my cheek onto my hand and stared at him.

"I choose to believe this is just because of a lot of pressure you have put up with over the years... please don't go down the same path as your father did."

"How about you mind your business?"



"Listen to me... We are not here to attack you... Hogwarts is here to give help to those you ask." I rolled my eyes and laughed. Dumbledore looked at me with confusion as I looked back toward him.

"I have spent years asking for help, Head Master. Not once did I receive anything. Not once was I taken under your wing for help. Don't speak to me about help when you weren't willing to give it to me... nonetheless my own father." I gripped the arms of the chair and stared at him. He sighed before placing himself in the seat across from me. He looked over toward Snape, who just sat quietly in the room. I gritted my teeth and moved my head to look out of the window in his office.

"Harry gets help and he doesn't even have to ask." I looked back over to Dumbledore and stared at him, my jaw starting to hurt from out tense I was making it.

"Does he, Head Master?"

"Ms. Riddle." Snape walked over to me and grabbed my shoulder. I scuffed and looked up at him. He didn't have to say a word. His eyes told me everything I needed to know about this moment. Keep my mouth shut and walk away... But I'm tired of walking away.

"Harry gets all the help in the world. All he has to do is blink and you're there for him." I kept looking at Snape, whose grip was getting tighter with each word I spoke.


"And do you know what the worst part is?" I turned my head towards Dumbledore, my eyes staring at Snape before following my head.

"The fact that I have to sit here and struggle with everything about my father alone... While Harry gets help from everyone here. When do Slytherins get help? When do we get your help when we need you, Head Master?"

"Enough." I looked back over at Snape who was glaring at me. So hard to the point, he could see threw it. I scuffed and stood up, storming out of Dumbledore's office. I marched down the halls and into my transfiguration class. I stormed threw the doors and walked over to my seat, Professor McGonagall staring at me.

"Ms. Riddle, I presume you have a rather good excuse for why you are so late?"

"If you care to know just go ask Dumbledore yourself."

"Ms. Riddle! That is no way to speak to your teacher! I will be taking five points from Slytherin." I rolled my eyes and placed my head on my hand. She stared at me for a smile before continuing class.

"Pst... Riddle." I groaned and turned my head to look at the blond boy behind me.

"What do you want?"

"Why are you so crabby? You just took points from us!"

"Piss off, Malfoy." I turned back around and focused as best as I could. The rest of the day went pretty easily. Most students ignore me or run in the opposite direction, same old shit. After class, I walked back into the dungeons.

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