A Rat with Wings

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"All those times I was in love with you, I realized we were making a house of cards. A little gust of wind, and now, it is gone." - Unknown


"Pansy I promise you nothing happened jeez."

"I don't believe you! You two were both late AND both looked like a wreck."

"Pansy." I stopped walking and turned to her. She turned to look at me, still with a huge smirk plastered on her face.

"I'm telling you the truth. Nothing. Happened."

"Fine... I won't ask further questions. Whatever happens in your sex life has nothing to do with me."

"Ew!" Everyone turned their heads to my sudden scream. I looked up at everyone before they quickly looked away.

"I would rather throw up slugs for the rest of my life." I fake gagged as we walked to History of Magic. A sudden arm grabbed my wrist, as I turned I was met with a smack to the face. I was in utter shock. My face burned as I looked in front of me, only to see a pissed-off Astoria.

"You're a whore! Sleeping with someone whos taken? How much lower can you go?" I dropped my bag to the ground and pushed her. She walked over to me from being shoved back and pushed me. I scuffed before I punched her in the face.

"No! I didn't sleep with your boyfriend! You're fucking crazy!" Her hand met my face. I could hear and feel Pansy trying to get us to stop. Astoria began to pull my hair and punch the back of my head. I used that to my advantage and tackled her to the ground. She let go of my hair and let out a loud groan as she fell to the floor. I began hitting her face left and right as she tried to stop me. She began kicking violently, trying to get me off of her.

A pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me off. I went to charge at her again before getting pulled back. She began to walk towards me, but a pair of hands stopped her. I took as much saliva as I could before spitting in her face.

"You're disgusting! Nothing more expected from a Riddle!"

"Say that again Astoria! I'll fucking kill you!" I tried my hardest to get out of the hands that had me pulled back. As much as I wiggled I was able to get out of their grip and quickly run over to her. She was able to wiggle out as well, more punches soon being thrown. This time, every hand that tried to grab me off of her only realized the more they pulled the more I pulled her hair.

"I fucking hate you!" I screamed as I kept throwing punches. Astoria let out screams and grabbed her hair. A free hand punching me in the face as I did to her. Suddenly we were ripped apart. Astoria tried to get out of the person's grasp to charge back toward me, but this time we each had two people holding us.

"You're just like your father! Out to ruin everything!"

"Yeah? Well, at least my parents aren't both death eaters!"

"Says the one whose father is the person they care for!"

"Astoria you are so full of yourself! This explains why Draco fucking hates you! All you do is fucking nag! It's only ever about you! Do you even know how he feels? Do you even know what his future holds? You're as annoying as a fucking rat!"

"Yes! And that for sure makes me hate you more! All you're going to do is bring the downfall of Hogwarts! You're the definition of hatred! All you do is bring evil into this world! We would all be better without you in this world!" I spat in her face again, kicking my legs trying to kick her. We were pulled further away from each other as Dumbledore came between us.

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