Follow It

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"Out of my sight! Thou dost infect mine eyes." ― William Shakespeare


"Harry for the last time! Don't think too much about it! You're being too anxious!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, last time I checked I was the one who had to actually fight against the dragon!" I rolled my eyes and placed my face into my hands. He has no idea what he's going up against. I've been trying for hours to get him to get the Conjunctivitis Curse, but for some reason, he can't get it straight. I sighed and looked back up at Harry.


"What." I made an annoyed face at his answer. Did he just give me attitude? While I'm trying to help him defeat a dragon?

"First off, you forget I'm helping you with the first task? Secondly, Harry... Dragon skin protects a dragon from any spell. Their eyes are most vulnerable because nothing is protecting them... If you want to win you need to get this spell correct and you being nervous isn't going to help."

Harry sighed as he sat in the grass. I walked over and sat down next to him. He looked defeated and tired. I sighed and placed my head on his shoulder. We sat for a while in silence, not knowing what to say or do.

"Let's head back... You know the concept of the spell which is good, it's just being able to do it that's the hard part." I stood up and smiled offering Harry my hand. He smiled and took it and we made our way back to Hogwarts. As we made it halfway to our dorms, we said goodbye and with that, I was by myself. I didn't want to go back yet, so I made my way over to the astronomy tower.

I knew the view was amazing in my astronomy class, but like the night when I went to find Draco, I hadn't realized how amazing the view really was. As I reached the stairs, I quietly made my way up the stairs, opening the door as quietly as possible.

As I walked in I turned around looking out all of the windows. I understand now why Draco took Astoria up here, the view was beautiful. I walked over to the ledge that views out to the black lake. It was breathtaking at night, the water glistening in the moonlight, I could look at this forever.

"Fancy seeing you here, care to explain why you skipped out on tutoring?" And just like that, the view was ruined. My smile dropped as I also dropped my head. Why is it that I always end up getting my happy moments ruined? And every time it's Draco. I picked my head up and turned around to see Draco. He was really stunning in the moonlight. The way the moon picked up all of his features and complimented his skin. His hand was placed on the ledge while his other hand was placed in his pockets. I looked back up at his face and stared.

"If you stare too hard you're going to burn a hole into my face."

"I wasn't staring ferret boy."

"Sure, Riddle... Whatever you want to believe." I rolled my eyes. He was really annoying, sure I was looking but I wasn't staring. Just... Taking my time with looking. I turned around and looked back out to the view. It was peaceful up here, quiet and cool.

"Malfoy can I ask you something?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Why do you date Pansy when you don't have feelings for her?" I looked over at Draco who was now clenching his jaw. I know what I said made him upset, but I needed answers. This time I was staring at him to the point I would burn a hole into his head. To be fair, what he was doing wasn't fair to Pansy or Astoria. Without thinking, I walked over to him and sat against the ledge.

"Why is that Malfoy? What do you see in the two of them? What is it that you want?" Draco continued looking out to the black lake. I know my questions upset him, but then he looked at me, something different in his eyes. I clenched my jaw and looked his face up and down. We leaned more into each other, not thinking about anything besides the questions that I've asked. I didn't even realize but we had moved closer to one another. His body felt warm, and I could smell his cologne.

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