Unfairly Likeable

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"Somewhere between love and hate lies confusion, misunderstanding, and desperate hope." ― Shannon L. Alder


The next morning I woke up with Carter pressed up against my back. As I opened my eyes I saw Pansy sitting near my bed admiring in awe. I tried not to scream at her appearance being the first thing I saw in the morning, but she shut me up quickly. I moved Carter's arm, getting out of bed slowly trying not to wake him.

"Sooooo... What happened?!"

"Nothing Pansy. We literally fell asleep in the common room and then came here." I giggled as I nudged Pansy who was definitely wanting to hear a better story. I looked over at Carter, smiling as I grabbed my clothes for the day. I hopped in the shower and got ready for the day. I was happy today, but still... Something was lingering in the back of my mind. As I finished getting ready I walked out to see Carter woken up.

"Good morning Carter." He smiled over at me while rubbing his eyes. He was definitely handsome, and he knew it. I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Pansy saw us this morning."

"Oh, did she now?"

"Yes... I told her it wasn't what she was thinking."

"It could be though." I laughed and shoved Carter with my shoulder. We shared a laugh, then he got up. I let him get ready in my dorm considering he had spent the night here. It was the least I could do, once he was finished we made our way down to the common room. I had a smile on my face as I entered and then noticed our usual group had added another member. Well, at least a member I never noticed.

"Hey, Riddle."

"I'm sorry... Never noticed your presence, what was your name?" I smirked as he gritted his teeth. I knew what I said angered the boy, but that's what you get for calling me by my last night without even knowing me.

"The names Theo."

"Oh. You're the famous Theo I've always heard about." I got rid of my angriness and placed it with an actual smile. I put my hand in front of him, gesturing for a handshake.

"Sorry for being mean. I'm Sibyl, I don't know you that well so... I just hate being called my last name, well at least from someone who doesn't know me."

"If I were you I would flaunt that power." I was weirded out by his statement. What power is it that I have? Theo and the boys laughed slightly at my confusion. I walked over to Theo, my face straight and a small glare in my eyes. I leaned over his chair, my hands being placed on the armrests, he gulped as I got in his face.

"You want this power Theo? The power of what exactly? Being able to kill you without hesitation? It's not a game Theo... This power you talk about comes with consequences. If you so wish to meet my father, I'll send him a message for you."

I pushed myself up from the chair, still glaring at him as he stared at me. Carter and Blaise had a smirk on their face as they looked at Theo who was slightly shocked. I'm guessing they told him I was a weak Slytherin. Which, for a while I was, but since the recent events lately and everything pissing me off... I want change. I want people to fear crossing me. I pushed past Carter, who smirked and walked out with me.

"What burst your bubble this morning?"

"Nothing... He just pissed me off." Carter chuckled as I walked into the grand hall. The trio was nowhere to be seen, and I was kind of upset that they haven't checked or made an effort to talk to me once. I know they were busy, but something was off, they weren't telling me something.

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