Drunk on Vanilla Vodka

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"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him."
― Booker T. Washington


"Didn't know Blaise invited blood traitors to his parties these days." I rolled my eyes as I walked closer to him. I walked past him with nothing to say, well I had a lot to say, just wasn't in the mood for arguing. As I went to go reach for the door handle, his hand grabbed my wrist. I gave him a death glare, and he just stared at me with a blank expression.

"What could you possibly want that is so much more important than me getting fucked up."

"Why did you go talk to Professor Moody." My glare turned into an expression of shock. Did he follow me to Moody? I was confused about how he knew this, and why he was asking. He gave me a serious look; it was one of concern more than anything.

"What I do and who I talk to is none of your business."

"As someone who knows who my father is, I do have the right to know about this... Why did you go."

"Malfoy, what's in it for you? Why do you need to know so badly?" He squeezed my wrist slightly and I looked down. I didn't want to tell him about my conversation with Moody, he had no right to know. We stared at each other for a small while, his gaze softened as he released his grip on my wrist.

"I'm worried for you."

"I'm sorry... What? You? Worried about me? Bloody hell Malfoy. I can take care of myself, I don't need you as a bodyguard. Whatever happened to you hating me?" Draco stared at me, looking me up and down. I stared at him before opening the door and walking into the room. The music was loud compared to the silence outside. Smart move on their part for using the silencing spell.

I walked through the crowd, so much for a small party. I was looking around for Pansy and Blaise, but I couldn't find them anywhere. As I continued my search, suddenly I found Pansy and Blaise making out in the corner. I hitched my breath, no wonder Draco was outside of the party. I felt bad for being mean to him. He didn't want to be with Pansy, but I know this sight still hurt him.

I pushed my way back through the crowd, trying to find my way to the door to go back and talk to Draco. As I was reaching the door, I bumped into someone. Thankfully, no drink spilled on me, but it still hurt.

"Sibyl Riddle."

"How is it that every time I meet someone they have to say my full name." I looked at the stranger's face, he was fairly attractive. He chuckled and sipped his drink while staring down at me. He was tall and had dark hair and blue eyes. I stared at him for a little while, before trying to go back to the door. He stepped in front of me, causing me to look up at him with a glare.

"Sorry... Whatever your name is, I really have to go. I have business to attend to." I pushed past him once again, reaching for the door and opening it quickly before he could grab me once again. As I exited I sighed; I looked over to my left where Draco had been standing before, but he was nowhere in sight.

It was past curfew, but I needed to find this boy. He's going to be the death of me. I quietly began walking around the halls, searching for the blond-haired boy. I checked the grand hall, and the classrooms, yet nothing.

I walked up towards the astronomy tower. This was the last place I needed to look. I've checked bathrooms, classrooms, and hallways, but here was the only place I could look. As I entered the room, I noticed Draco sitting on the edge of the window.

"Draco-" I closed my mouth as I noticed he was with Astoria. I sat for a second, looking at how much he loved her. The look he gave her was something I'd never seen with Draco. This look was soft, caring, and so much more than I have ever seen come from the boy's face.

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