Dealt A Fool's Card

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"All those times I was in love with you, I realized we were making a house of cards. A little gust of wind, and now, it is gone." - Unknown


It was a cold morning when I woke up and the hangover wasn't helping. Carter was nowhere to be seen in my room, he wasn't next to me or in the shower. I shrugged it off as I began to get ready for the day. I hopped into the shower, changed, fixed my hair, and grabbed my bag. Before I left, I pulled out some cat food for Siren and left.

I made my way downstairs into the common room only to see no one else than Draco AND Carter. I stopped in my tracks and looked back and forth between the two, who had now changed their gaze over to me.

"Hey...?" The room was silent. No one said a word, but the boys looked back at each other. Carter kept his eye on Draco before he made his way over to me. I looked up at Carter and back to Draco. He had his jaw clenched and his eyes never left Carter's movement.

"If you two are going to keep this up, then I'm leaving. I am not going to fix your issues." I began walking out of the common room and towards my potions class. I was excited about potions, and since everything happened I had been taking the time to actually study. Snape would give me some advice after class if he felt I needed it.

As I was walking I heard Carter calling my name and running after me. I turned around and smiled at him. Soon, another person follows behind him. I was hoping it wasn't Draco and to my advantage, it wasn't. It was Pansy; I smiled at her only to give a sly smile back.

"What happened Pansy?"

"Blaise and I ended things completely."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." I really wasn't. I felt as if it was best for her. He was holding her back and they knew that. Was this something I should've involved myself in? Absolutely not, but I needed to do it for her so she can finally be happy. It's not like she wasn't happy before, but when she does her own thing, she's happier.

"It's okay... In all honestly, I think this is for the best. I mean, now I don't have to worry about anyone else other than myself." My point is proven. I smiled at her and hugged her on her side. She smiled back and we all walked into class together. The walk was short, and as we entered the classroom our look pack was met with the gaze of Harry Potter.

I rolled my eyes. Ever since he found out I talked with my father, the whole trio has kept their eye on me. Sure, I should've informed them of my plan, but they never include me in anything, so it's only fair. Pansy and I made our way over to our tables and sat down. I turned over to her once my stuff was placed, Carter leaning more onto his table to hear our conversation.

"So Pansy... What happened?"

"Well... I mean we talked things out. He just explained that we weren't doing any good for each other and that we should both just focus on ourselves. We're both hurt people, we come from a family of... death eaters... So I mean it only makes sense for us to focus on being better people."

"I'm happy for you Pansy... Really." I smiled at her and she nodded. She looked over at Carter and they had their own little conversation until Snape entered the room. Pansy looked over at me and leaned in.

"Also, I know you told Blaise to end things." I gripped my quill and lifted my head up to the front of the class. I heard Pansy chuckle and pat my shoulder.

"Thank you, Sibyl... I wouldn't have been able to do it myself, but next time? Talk with me instead."

"Yes ma'am..." She giggled again and gave her attention to the front of the room. Snape slammed the windows shut, he seemed to be angrier than usual today. I watched his every movement as he began to discuss making some potion.

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