Digging Up Daisies

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"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." ―Maya Angelou


Soft music could be heard as we mingled around together for a small while. I couldn't stop looking at Draco. The suit really fit him well. We all turned out attention to the great hall as the music gets loud and the challengers were lining up to have their grand dance.

I knew Hermione and I were no longer friends but she looked dashing. She was with Viktor... I'm so glad she was able to get with him. He really had a crush on her.

"Sibyl? You alright?"

"Yeah... I'm alright Carter." I smiled at him as we made our way into the great hall, waiting for the challengers and their dates to enter with the first dance. Little pecks of snow began to fall inside the room as the dance began. Everyone moved perfectly, well almost everyone. Harry was stumbling a little bit, but it was hard to notice if you weren't paying attention.

After a couple of minutes, the professors joined, and soon Carter grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. We were the first people to join everyone on the dance floor. I laughed as we began dancing. Carter twirled me and we danced together. I had to say, Carter and I made a good duo. Our bodies just flew well together, and every step was like nothing.

"Move Carter. I would fancy a dance with Riddle."

"Back off mate."

"Make me." Carter began to let go of me before I stepped between the two. I put my hand on Carter's chest as he slowly broke eye contact with Draco, and began looking at me. I nodded my head slightly and gave him a small smile, letting him know it was okay. Carter looked at me concerned before looking back to Draco.

"Do anything stupid Draco and I'll kill you." Carter walked away and bumped Draco's shoulder as he walked off. I grabbed Draco's wrist before he could run after Carter.

"It's not worth it. Don't ruin a good night Malfoy."

"Me? I'm ruining the good night?"

"Yes. You are causing drama." Draco huffed before pulling me to him. We slowly danced for a while, which was kind of awkward, to say the least. I looked up at him to begin to say something, but he had the same idea. We smiled and laughed slightly.

"Go ahead."

"I wanted to tell you, you look rather dashing in your dress... What I said before-"

"Thank you, Draco... It's okay. I knew I would look bloody beautiful in it." I answered him sarcastically, gaining a small laugh from him as he continued to smile at me.



"Why are you with Carter... You didn't even answer back at my note went I threw it at you."

"He's easy Draco... There is nothing that I can't do around him. He's calming to me, just as Astoria is to you." Draco nodded his head before looking over to Astoria. I followed his gaze and smiled softly. She was talking with some of her friends. Astoria was beautiful, but she was a raging bitch when it came to Draco.

"She looks dashing too Draco... Why don't we get back to our dates?"

"...Yeah..." I moved away from Draco, bowing slightly and thanking him for the dance. He smiled softly as I went to go find Carter. He wasn't seen anywhere, but then I found Blaise.

"Hey, Ms. Riddle! How are you?"

"I'm grand... How are you?"

"Eh, I'm alright."

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