Kiss My Ass

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"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living." —F. Scott Fitzgerald


It's been two weeks since my last altercation with Carter. I avoid him as much as possible and I can't help but wonder what he's been up to. He sits with Viktor and his friends again, but every now and then I'll catch him staring at me. Sometimes our glances meet one another, but most of the time it's just one of us staring at the other, and the other catching them.

"Riddle... Pst." I looked over at Draco, who glanced down at the pot before us.

"Oh shit." I grabbed the ladle and spun the pot three times clockwise. I totally forgot we were in potions. I've been sitting here letting Malfoy do all of the work, busy in my own mind. Draco stared at me as he watched me stir.

"So, about that after-party..."

"I don't want to talk about it Malfoy. Just drop it, not a big deal. Had Astoria been there you would've gone to her first." Liar. After some convincing with Pansy, which took a lot for her to get me to understand, I've come to notice that Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy was, in fact, looking at me before Astoria because he wanted to kiss me.

Which, I admit, is really hard to believe. Malfoy and I hated each other growing up. Even now, he's gone out of his way to make my life bothersome. But when Carter came around and he was giving me attention, it seemed like Malfoy didn't like it.

In Pansy's words, this is how it happened.

"Look... Think about it, before you and I became friends, Draco made your life hell. Calling you names, making little threats, and so on and so forth. Then, Carter came around, and poof... All of a sudden he's making me feel like shit and only using me for shagging, while also dating AND shagging Astoria, and making you feel confused. THEN he started to be kind to you more often, trying to be around you, CLENCHING HIS JAW. Like, Sibyl, I love you... But how can you be so stupid! It's all written out here on paper! He gets angry about Carter, checks on you when you and Carter broke off and then kisses you at a party. How does this not make sense to you?"

"No... I don't see it, Pansy. You're wrong."

"Bloody hell Sibyl."

And that's how it happened. Now that I think about it, and had it explained to me many times, I see it. I don't think it's because he has a stupid little crush on me, I think it's because he can't control the situation around me anymore. For most of the days, his sole purpose was to find me and do some ridiculous things.

Going back to that time, I was good friends with Harry, Hermione, and Ron... Well, slightly Ron. No matter where I was, more when I was with the trio, he targeted me. Even in his own bloody manor!

"Sibyl... Let go of the ladle, you're going to break it, bloody hell."

"Huh? Oh! Right, sorry..." I let go of the ladle and handed it over to Draco. He looked at me weirdly before taking over the stirring. While I'm his partner for potions, mind as well let him do the work. I still don't know too much about potions, rather I know what goes in them just not how to make them... Well... Properly.

"What's on your mind? You're so distracted Riddle, it's kind of annoying."

"Piss off." I placed my chin on my hand and watched him finish the potion we were making. To be honest, this whole time in class I haven't been thinking about anything besides what Pansy has said to me.

Everything she said has yet to be true. The only things that ARE true, are the times when I was with... Well, friends with Carter. Now, since Carter and I aren't talking to each other, Draco has been more distant. As I said to Pansy, she's wrong... But she's still right whether I want to admit it or not.

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