Grinding Teeth

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"Love cannot stifle, nor can it dictate. Either of those circumstances will turn a tender feeling into something ugly." ―Cynthia Wicklund


"Pansy Parkinson... I know damn well you arent seriously thinking about that wanker."

"Ugh! I know don't remind me!" I kept my mouth open as I stared at her blankly. I looked around the grand hall before leaning into her.

"I can't believe you're still thinking about Zabini!" Pansy smacked me on the shoulder before groaning and slamming her head on the dining table. I rubbed her back as she just kept moaning.

"Pansy if you don't put your big girl pants on, I'm going to hurt you."

"Piss off and let me mope." I let out a breathy laugh before grabbing a brownie. I looked over at Pansy and grabbed the more significant piece for her. I placed my hand underneath her so she could see the brownie. She moved her hand and held it, soon pulling it to her mouth.

"Sibyl, what do I do?"

"First off, fuck Zabini. He treated you badly Pansy! I mean granted you did homie hop... Still! He was mean to you just as Draco was... And Neville? Pansy, he treats you so well!"

"Ugh, I know... It's sickening."



"You need to do what you think best. Do I think you should go back with Zabini? Absolutely not, but do I have control over what you do? No. Whatever you decide I'll be here to give you the advice you don't want."

"Thanks, Sibyl." Pansy lifted her head and looked at me with a small smile on her face. I nodded my head and began to stuff my face with more brownies.

As the day went on, only one thing was on my mind... And that was the upcoming tournament. Granted it was still couple of months away, I was worried. I haven't heard much about my father, nor have I been getting any nightmares. This wasn't right. I've been having nightmares since I first came here. They stopped around my third year, but this year they all came back. I tapped my fingers on my desk, not noticing the stares.

"Pst... Sibyl..."

"Huh?" I snapped my head towards the sound of my name. I looked over at Blaise who motioned his head to the front of the classroom. I looked, but before I could fully reach the front classroom a pair of hands slammed on my desk.

"Ms. Riddle... I supposed you may have something to share with the class?"

"Uh, No... Sir."

"Right on then." Mad-eye moody walked away from my desk and back to the front of the class. Since the first tournament, he's been acting really weird... More, how do I say... Assholeish? I placed my head on my hands and let out a sigh, feeling a hand rub my back in comfort. I turned my head and gave Pansy a small smile as she gave me one in return.

Class flew by after my little altercation with Mad-eye. I sat down at the table in the grand hall with a big huff.

"You okay there sunshine?" I smacked my head down on the table and shook my head no. Blaise got up from his side of the table and moved around to my side. We always sat toward the end so it was never an issue to switch seating.

"What's wrong?"

"Mad-eye yelled at her today... Had you been there you would've seen."

"Pansy I had something important to do."

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