💜Chapter 15💖

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After the award ceremony ended, they're all going their home to get some rest. Jungkook laying down on his bed still thinking about what Namjoon hyung said.

He picks his phone and calls Rosé immediately.

"Yeoboseyo?" Rosé answers the call.

"Chaeyoung-ah, don't sleep yet?" Jungkook asks.

"Not yet. Why?"

"I cannot sleep."

"Why aren't you sleep yet?"

"Because I can't stop thinking about you. Your eyes, nose, smile, lips...." Jungkook stopped for awhile because he remembered he didn't kiss Rosé yet.

"When I closed my eyes, my world will be in dark because you aren't here beside me." Jungkook continued.

Those simple words but can make Rosé blushing in her room.

"Aww you don't have to. One day I'll be there in your room but now tell me what is bothering you?" Rosé said.

Jungkook was little shocked because it's like Rosé knew that something bothering him.

"Umm... Namjoon hyung warned me to be careful about us. He doesn't want us like Jennie noona and Kai hyung." Jungkook being honest.

"Ohh that's why you didn't sleep yet. Listen, I think we can't meet often because of people surrounding us will take advantage and spreading about us everywhere." Rosé explained.

"But I will miss you." Jungkook can't holding his misses.

"I know. I will miss you too but this the only choice we had or else... we get caught."Rosé is still afraid about the scandal like Jennie unnie.

"Wow you're mature enough." Jungkook praises Rosé.

"No. I'm not." Rosé denied.

"Yes. You are. You know I like mature woman because I'm childish and immature." Jungkook said.

"Don't say that! Just be yourself." Rosé persuaded him.

"Can I sing a song for you before we sleep?" Jungkook requested.

"Okay what song do you want to sing?" Rosé asked.

"Euphoria" Jungkook short replied.

"Hey, that's your song." Rosé giggled.

"I know. It fits for you." Jungkook said.

"Okay sing it then." Rosé asked.

While Jungkook singing Euphoria, Rosé smiling alone. Rosé almost sleeping but she needs to hold her eyes because she loves to hear Jungkook's voice.

After Jungkook ends the song, they both sleeping in their own room.

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