💜Chapter 25💖

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"Unnie, should we coming here without our manager or bodyguard? What if fans coming to us?" Rosé asking Jennie after they arrived at amusement park.

"It's okay. We will see somebody here." Jennie says.

"Who?" Rosé curious.

"Babe!" A man shouting from faraway.

"Oppa!" Jennie shouting back.

"Is that Jimin oppa?" Rosé small her eyes to see who is it.

"Hmm-hmm" Jennie nodded gives signal that it is Jimin.

Jimin coming and hugging Jennie happyly.

"So, you guys bring me here and make me stay alone here watching you guys happy?" Rosé chuckles.

"Who says you're alone?" Jimin said.

"What do you mean?" Rosé is still curious.

Rosé feels someone is behind her and makes her immediately turns around. Her mouth is a little bit open when she saw Jungkook is infront of her.

"Stop running from me." Jungkook said.

"I haven't running yet." Rosé short replied.

"You're avoiding me." Jungkook said again.

"Err... Oppa! Should we go over there for buying cotton candy and soda?! I'm hungry and thirsty!" Jennie speaks loudly on purpose to let Jungkook and Rosé know that they're leaving them.

"Why not? Let's go, baby!" Jimin said.


Both Rosé and Jungkook walking together without saying anything. Jungkook wanted to break their awkwardness so he holds Rosé's hand.

"Do not touch my hand." Rosé pulls her hand so Jungkook would let her hand go.

"Fans will telling to all medias that we're dating." Rosé continues.

"Let them be." Jungkook said immediately.

Rosé stopped and looked at him.

"Let all medias make a news about us dating. At least all people around the world know that I'm dating you. Not that tattoo artist." Jungkook explained.

"Don't do such a weird thing." Rosé doesn't want it.

Jungkook feels so hard to persuade Rosé. He's not good to persuade woman. Suddenly, he looks at the carnival game at their side.

"Look, what if we play that balloon dart?" Jungkook asks.

"No. I don't want to play."

"Please, just watching me play okay?"

Rosé just nodded. Jungkook coming to that balloon dart store and wanted to take out his money to pay.

"Yah, aren't you Jungkook from Bangtan Sonyeondan? My daughter is a big fan of you. Before you wanna play, can you sign here for my daughter?" Says old man seller after he gives a paper and pen for Jungkook to sign.

"Of course." Jungkook said.

After he done signing, that old man seller saw Rosé and said "Blackpinkeu Rojé?"

Rosé smiling and bowing while saying "annyeonghaseyo"

"Are you guys dating?" That old man seller said.

Both Jungkook and Rosé look at each other. Rosé shook her head to Jungkook for giving a signal so Jungkook would deny it.

"Umm... Yes, we're dating." Jungkook says while chuckling.

Rosé's eyes open widened when Jungkook admitted it.

"So the news about you and that..." that old man seller didn't complete his words but was cut by Jungkook.

"No. Rojé is my real girlfriend. Not that tattoo artist. Can we play right now?" Jungkook said.

"Of course. Here is your dart. You play 3 times." The old man seller said.

Jungkook threw one by one darts to the balloons and he got three balloons burst. So he can pick whatever the present.

"I want that pink bunny." Jungkook said to the seller.

"This pink bunny is from bt21. You already had it Jungkook. Why are you still wanted it?" That seller asked.

"It's not for me. It's for her." Jungkook saying while pointing at Rosé.

Rosé is a little shocked and smiled becashe doesn't know how to react anymore.

"Ahh i see. You guys are so sweet. Here." That seller gives pink bunny doll to Rosé.

"Gomawo." Rosé says to the seller and Jungkook.

They both continue to walking and leavingthat store. Rosé playing with that pink bunny doll and she saw Jennie and Jimin were eating cotton candy.

"Jennie unnie!" Rosé called Jennie and ran towards Jennie.

"Oh no. Should we run?" Jennie says to Jimin.

"I think so." Jimin said.

Both Jennie and Jimin were about to stand up but Rosé already sitting infront of them followed by Jungkook.

"We're late." Jimin whispers to Jennie.

Jennie and Jimin wanted to leave Rosé and Jungkook alone so they would fix their relationship's problems. But Rosé wanted to spend time with Jennie.

"Unnie, I want cotton candy too." Rosé being clingy for Jennie.

"Ask your boyfriend then." Jennie bite cotton candy infront of Rosé because she wants to show that she got that cotton candy from her boyfriend. Jimin bought cotton candy only for her not Rosé. She doesn't want to share it to Rosé.

Rosé just pouting when Jennie did that to her. Suddenly, Jungkook stands up and buy cotton candy for Rosé.

"Thanks." Rosé received a cotton candy from Jungkook.

"Are you guys already okay or not? If you're not, we're leaving." Jimin asked.

"No no no. We're okay. We're good." Rosé replied immediately.

"Actually I have something to say and ask a question to you guys." Jungkook said.

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