💜Chapter 27💖

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"I've told you be careful. Now both of you will go to press conference to explain everything." Namjoon said and left.

"Is he mad at us?" Jungkook asked.

"You know what is leader's job, right?" Jimin said.

"Should we prepare the answer for press conference?" Jungkook asked again.

"Just get ready." Jimin replied.


"Unnie, are you okay?" Rosé asked Jennie.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just don't know how to face it." Jennie responded.

"Omg unnie, you're shaking. Gimme your hands." Rosé pulled Jennie's hands to make Jennie more comfort.

"It's okay, Rosie. It's our fault." Jennie said.

"What do you mean it's our fault?" Rosé asked.

"You know what will happen if we date them, right? We will be pressure if we get along with them. It's time for us to accept all negative things especially from their fans." Jennie explained.

"No. It's not our fault. Accepting someone's love doesn't mean it was a mistake. It's okay, unnie. At least you have me than before. We will get more hates together." Rosé comforting Jennie.

Jennie smiled and hugged Rosé then she said "Let's go."


*The press conference*

All the reporters and medias are already sitting to get ready for ask questions about four of them. There are a lot of cameras to take pictures and record for videos.

There were a lot of flashes from cameras when Rosé, Jungkook, Jimin, and Jennie came out. A lot of reporters cannot wait for asking questions to them but they need to take turns.

First question from a woman reporter says "are you really dating each other? I mean two of you and two of you." She pointed at rosekook first and then jenmin.

They four look at each other like who's wanted to answer. Jimin taking microphone first so it might be him to answer.

"Um..." Jimin is about to answer but he realised that Jennie is just looking down like she's afraid with the confession.

Jimin holding Jennie's hand to comfort her while everyone is watching them and he says "Yes, we're dating. Same goes to them (rosekook)"

Jennie closes her eyes and holding Jimin's hand tightly when Jimin said that. Jimin feels Jennie's hand is shaking.

"I hope that all fans and people around the world will accept us. Please, don't hate the girls. They have nothing to do with this. True love never ends and cannot be separated." Jungkook continued after Jimin.

"Jennie-shi, you once dated Kai but why now you dating Jimin? There's non-celebrity that you would like to date?" Another reporter asked.

"That's totally her choice why need to ask that question?" Jungkook interrupted to support Jennie.

Jennie is almost crying while looking down but she looking at all reporters and says "It's okay, Jungkook-shi." While she glances a little to Jungkook and looking back to all reporters.

"I've a lot of non-celebrity friends. But why I chose Jimin instead of them? Because he always be there for me. They were gave me a lot pressure but not Jimin. He always chasing me to comfort me. I hope this is clear. Thank you." Jennie continued explaining.

"But three of you were friends but how about now? Aren't you guys still friends?" The same reporter asked.

"Can we move to another question?" A staff from Bighit asked to the next reporter.

Jimin and Jennie weren't answering that reporter's question because of that staff. Thanks to the staff.

"Um.. I have a question for Jungkook and Rosé. Aren't you guys afraid of your opposite gender? Why would you thinking that you two would date?" The question is from a man.

"I was. I mean we were but if we really wanted to date the opposite gender, there's nothing wrong with it. I think she's the one." Jungkook explaining while looking at Rosé. Rosé just smiles to him and agrees with the answer.

"Rosé-shi, what is your comment about Jungkook dating with tattoo artist news?" A young reporter asked.

"Still bringing that news?" Jungkook talking to himself with lower voice. But Rosé heard that.

"It's okay, my bunny. That question is for me." Rosé whispers to Jungkook.

Rosé takes up the microphone and says "At first, I was believing that news. I thought he cheated on me but after he tried so hard to get me back and that woman also already admitted that she only used Jungkook-shi for her business. Not everything you saw will be the truth. The news can be lied. I think that's what I can say."


After all the the questions and answers were done, they ended the press conference. Four of them left all the reporters and the hall.

"I feel relieved after all the confessions. There's no keeping it a secret anymore." Jimin said when they already in their car.

"Do you guys think that our fans will upset?" Rosé asking.

"I already got a lot of negative comments from my instagram account." Jennie responded.

"Me too. Jungkook, your fans didn't want to be your fans anymore." Rosé said.

"I still love them but you're already got more hurt. I don't want you left me or be upset because of me." Jungkook kissed Rosé's hand.

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