chap 3

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The man shivers at her gaze, he then starts judging the blue hair. Her clear, golden eyes are very innocent, just like a child's.

They look at each other for a while... none of them spoke, only looking at the other's eyes.

The sound of burning wood rings in their ears. The man sighs, speaks:

"Stop looking, go to sleep now."

The blue hair obeys and closes her eyes, but instead of falling asleep, she keeps trying to remind herself about what had happened...

Until dawn... there's still no answer.

The morning light shines brightly as the sun slowly gets up from the horizon. The blue hair still hasn't gotten used to the bright light yet, immediately shuts her eyes, using the piece of cloth to cover her eyes.

The man wakes up, the first scene he sees is the girl quietly sitting a bit far away. He slowly gets up, admires the dawn for a while then packs things up, pulling the blue hair girl:

"Let's get going, we'll go somewhere response for lost people, perhaps someone can help you."

The blue hair doesn't answer and just nods, obediently following him. The man wonders if someone fools her into the slave market, will this girl follow them like this.

But the truth is, his thought is wrong, the girl lost her memories doesn't mean she lost her instinct, she can feel that the man doesn't have any harmful intent so she chose to follow him.

After walking for a while, the man stops in front of a bulletin board, he starts to check if there is anyone looking for the blue hair girl. A guard standing nearby asks:

"Are you looking for someone?"

The man still looking at the board, answers calmly:


After confirming that there is no one looking for the blue hair, he turns around, pulling the girl with him.

Suddenly, a fat man runs toward them, his eyes keep gazing around, yelling:

"This is my daughter!

Daughter, why did you run away like that??!"

The man looks at the fat man, then looks at the blue hair girl. He asks the man:

"You're really her father?"

The man is a little nervous, his eyes keep gazing around in awareness. Finally, he takes all of his brave out, answers loudly:

"Yes! That's my daughter! She didn't listen to us and run away!"

The man knows that this fat man is lying, but he can't just pull this girl with him, besides, he keeps shouting about him kidnapping his daughter, the curious people on the street start to gather around them. Doesn't want to get into trouble, answers coldly:

"Then I'll return her."

He then turns around, taking his leave. The fat man is secretly celebrating because he just found a beauty, then suddenly...

The man just walked a few steps then suddenly stops... he turns his gaze toward his back...

There, a small hand is holding his cloth, the hand belongs to the blue hair girl, who is looking down at the ground, her hand gripping as tight as possible.

The man takes a step forward, the girl follows. The fat man seeing this tenses up, he rushes at her, pulls her backward, growling:

"Daughter! Let's go home!"

Her grip is even tighter. When he is about to push her away, he hears her small, weak voice:

"Don't... leave..."

She tries to speak. She doesn't know who she is, but she knows that she and the fat man aren't families, that man makes her disgusted... this is the feeling she has about bad men... she doesn't want to be with people like him.

The man dazes, the girl has never talked to him when they were walking together, if he didn't see her talking in the forest, he might think that she is mute.

The blue hair girl still holding his cloth:

"Don't... leave... me... back..."

The thought of bringing her with him suddenly flash through his mind, but it's really hard, hunting demons is not a safe path. She might get killed while traveling with him.

The fat man seeing him like this starts to get panicked, he is afraid of losing this beautiful girl, he thought that if he sells her, he will earn a fortune, and he can't let the money goes like this, the greedy thought has taken over him, he couldn't hold up and is about to slap the girl...

The man seeing this pulls the girl toward him without hesitation, the fat man missed the hit, tenses up, his dirty mouth keeps cursing him, yelling that he has seduced his daughter... the man just doesn't want to waste his breath in arguing, the crowd seeing that immediately yell at him... he is about to leave then got stopped by the fat man:

"Oi! Where do you think you're going?! You must leave her here! If not then don't dream about peace!!!"

The man disgusts by the touch, pushes the fat man away, he immediately rolls on the ground, yelling:

"Ouch! You all see?! That man seduced my daughter, and now even hit me!!!"

The crowd even yells louder, the man smirks, thinking that he has won, then suddenly...

"I... am... a... boy..."


The gir- I mean, the boy slowly says the sentence out loud... the crowd suddenly silences. They all fall in confusion...

A boy?

Why did that man call him his 'daughter'?

The person is a boy, right?

What the heck? Gender bend??!


While the people still dazing because of shock and confusion, he pulls the blue hair boy away. Feeling the figure in front of him, the boy sighs in relief, at least he feels safe when with him, at least he isn't a bad guy.

The boy mumbles:

"Thank... you."

The man sighs...

There will be more troubles in the future...

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