chap 13

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Rimuru and Yoriichi are standing in front of the merchant family's tombs...

The air is unbearably silent... after this event, inside Rimuru grows fear...


Rimuru quietly calls him... his voice chokingly...

"You must not die..."

Don't leave me back alone...

Yoriichi doesn't reply... just gently pats Rimuru's head...

He doesn't brave enough to promise...

"Let's go..."

Rimuru looks at them one last time... then turns around... following Yoriichi's step...


2 months have passed since that day, Rimuru looks normal... but Yoriichi knows he is just pretending to stop him from worrying...

Rimuru has stopped using eye cover, even during the daytime. At first, Yoriichi rejected... in his first month, his eyes always hurt badly, but Rimuru still keeps it like that... finally, his eyes got used to the burning light... and now he can see very clearly in the daytime. Yoriichi asked him why he has to be that stubborn but Rimuru refused to answer.

None of them talk about Tomie...

Now they are closer to each other, even fighting the demons together. There was a time when Rimuru and Yoriichi were walking in the forest, they encountered a person who got several wounds because of demons. At that time, the memory of Tomie's death flashed through his mind... his body moved on its own...

He reached his hand toward the half-dead person... a white string come out of his hand, gently warping the person's wounds... and to everyone's surprise, his wounds healed with a speed that humans' eyes can see.

Both he and Yoriichi were shocked... Rimuru saw that this is a useful power so he trained it as much as possible... when he met the injured animals, he tried to save them... to the point he fainted because of exhaustion.

Back to the present...

"Yoriichi, to your left... mid-air!!!"

Rimuru shouts, he immediately uses his inhuman speed, swinging his sword in that direction. In a blink of an eye, 2 demons' heads fall to the ground.

This is the scene that can be seen recently. Although Rimuru can't fight, he still has very sharp eyes and night vision. With these powers, he can detect the demons for Yoriichi, their movements are getting more and more smoothly.

After Yoriichi beheaded the demons, Rimuru immediately rushed toward the people, using his healing power to help the injuries... Tonight they met some merchants seem to be rich. His forehead soon appears some sweat, the worse the wound is, the more energy he needs to cure it. The people look like butlers had used their bodies to protect the cart so they were badly wounded. Lucky for them that Rimuru and Yoriichi went past them...

"You all right, Rimuru?"

He nods without hesitating, the truth is he is very tired but he still tries his best to save these people, he doesn't want to see their death...



Rimuru falls backward. If it isn't for Yoriichi catching him, he must have lye on the ground now...

Yoriichi pulls him to stand up. When they are taking their leave, a voice suddenly rings in the air:


Rimuru and Yoriichi ignore it and continue walking...

(Obviously that the habit of 'saving people then ignoring them' was spread by Yoriichi XD)

"Ple- please wait..."

Hearing the guy getting louder, they look back with annoying glances... the one who is talking is a rich dandy... so this explains why the cart seems luxurious like that.

They look at each other, Rimuru and Yoriichi are examing him, while the dandy looks at Rimuru with... um... infatuated eyes.


"Even the voice is angelic..."

A few moments ago when Rimuru was saving the injuries, he ignored the dandy because he seems to be fine. Rimuru was too focused on the others so he didn't notice that this dandy has woken up(he fainted)...

Speaking of the dandy, when he opened his eyes, the first thing that catches his gaze is a long, silver-bluish hair girl, white skin and with a beautiful face... and the white light effect(healing power's effect) makes him think that he is in heaven...

 They see that the dandy only looks at Rimuru without saying a word, start to get impatient, they are going to stop wasting time and continue their way

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They see that the dandy only looks at Rimuru without saying a word, start to get impatient, they are going to stop wasting time and continue their way.

The dandy regains his senses, immediately stops them, his voice a little shy:

"You 2 have saved me... I want to repay."

"No need."

A short answer from Rimuru, he is very tired and needs to rest, he doesn't want to waste his time with an annoying person like him...

"Please let me repay you... my house is nearby!"

Yoriichi glances at Rimuru the thinks for a while, finally, he nods:


He tells Rimuru: "Let's rest there for a while."

Rimuru obeys, and they follow the dandy to his home...

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