Chapter Fourteen: Entitlement

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Chapter Fourteen: Entitlement

"You're a traitor, Jean. Admit it."

Jean Baden-Rodriguez waved her hand in the air as if she were shooing Hyacinth's accusations away. "You admit this one thing, Haya. Maximillian Bismarck is a tough man with perseverance that rivals the Earth's gravity. If he wants something, he'll stop at nothing."

Hyacinth narrowed her eyes at Jean's eyes as if she was reading her friend's mind in the process. "What did you get in return, Jean? Cake?"

Jean nodded. "He forced me to contact you when he went berserk in his office. When you returned with him from Greene County, he gave me a tiramisu cake as a thank-you reward."

"I told you to contact me if there's an emergency about you, Jean, but you gave my address to Mr. Bismarck."

"You never told me to keep it a secret, Haya. You only said that I should contact you in case of an emergency. That day was an emergency for me! Max was fuming mad like a boiling kettle and it is the first time I ever saw him like that."

"Then you should've ignored him! "

Jean laughed at her suggestion. "Girl, can't you see that Max is an entitled jerk? He'll demand things from everyone as if the world owes him that. He's a good man, yes, but being in the business world changed him. His perseverance and entitlement made him a powerful man in Sutton."

HYACINTH laughed with sarcasm as she remembered a conversation she had with her dearest friend, Jean. Aside from that, she sarcastically released the devious laughter to show how ridiculous Maximillian's offer was.

He must be mad. Really mad.

Or, maybe Jean was right. Maximillian Bismarck is simply entitled.

"I know. It's a good idea, but I will not give you pearls for an engagement ring."

Hyacinth wiped her mouth aggressively with the table napkin from her lap and tossed it on her plate. "I'm here to have a decent conversation with you, Maximillian."

"You're angry? I thought everyone wanted to have my name?"

Her hands itched the throttle his neck and shake the wits out of him. Hyacinth doesn't want to argue anymore. It will be useless if Max already made up his mind. She, of all people, knew how insufferable his tenacity is.

She blames herself partly for not being able to refuse Max every time he reasons with her about the things he wanted. First, making his daughter exist permanently. Second, agreeing to receive his protection in Sutton City. Lastly, going with him willingly to Chef Goodman's restaurant because she happened to idolize the said chef and the food that comes with the name.

Hyacinth will put an end to this. No more bribery from him or ridiculous dates in a five-star restaurant. No more of his stupid ideas.

Oh, he had been a terrible influence on her!

"I'll go now." She threw a dangerous look at him and he met hers with his vivid blue eyes that didn't conceal the excitement he was feeling. The motherfucker loved the challenge she presented.

"Now, now. Please wait until dessert. We're not yet done talking."

"I am done, Mr. Bismarck. Goodbye."

Hyacinth, with a heavy heart, turned her back from the plate with two slices of rib-eye left on it and stormed out of the room. She can sense Max following her footsteps so she increased her pace. The sound of her pumps echoed in the hallway of private dining rooms and the quiet ambiance of the place made her feel Max's presence behind her.

"What do you want me to do? Get down on my knees and beg?"

"No, Mr. Bismarck. I want to stay away from you."

He followed her to the main road outside the restaurant. The busy Main Street of Sutton City made the situation worse for Max. He could only hope that Hyacinth will hear his reasons and explain what he really meant.

"Hyacinth, stop walking away and listen."

"No, I'm not going to listen to you. Not anymore. No more bribes and stupid ideas!"

Hyacinth's skin is now red with outrage and irritation. She pointed at him with trembling hands. "I've tried so hard to at least be civil with you because of Erin. What gave you the idea that I wanted to marry you, Mr. Bismarck?!"

Maximillian held her wrist firmly and flashed a hint of anger in his eyes. "Not here, Hyacinth. There are paparazzi around."

Hyacinth tried to pull her arm away but Max was a hundred times stronger than her so she resorted to kicking his legs. "Let go of me or I'll smash your toes!"

"Damn woman, why won't you listen to me?"

"Because you're an entitled ass, Maximillian! You make me vomit!"

Max loosened his grip on her wrist. Hyacinth grabbed the chance to pull it away from him. "Don't come closer. I am never going to sleep with you again nor tie the knot with you. Your illusion about building a relationship with me ends today. Attempt to cross the boundaries, Mr. Bismarck. I dare you!"

Hyacinth's jaw trembled and began to march towards the side of Main Street. A taxi cab stopped for her and she immediately went inside the car without looking back.

She took a sharp breath to stop her heart from beating too fast. She wanted to drink her frustrations with a nice pint of Guinness but she can't and she shouldn't. It will be bad for the developing baby inside her.

The cab moved as soon as Hyacinth provided her complete address. She slammed the back of her head on the headrest to remove her pent-up frustrations but to no avail.

"Bad day, huh?" She heard the driver ask in an attempt to fill the silence inside the car.

Hyacinth nodded and never said anything further to encourage conversation. She was so frustrated right now that she didn't feel the need to talk to someone or mind the silence inside the car for that matter. Hyacinth only wanted to escape.

"Poor doll. How taxing it must be for you to have Maximillian Bismarck as a protector."

She flinched as soon as she realized that the voice sounded so familiar. Her heart rammed against her chest and her feet went cold.

That voice is the reason why she had nightmares most of the time. How can she forget that deep, raspy voice from her past? Hyacinth tried so hard to escape from the grasp of that man.

"Lilian Hyacinth, cat got your tongue?"

Her hands clutched the dusty leather of her seat.

"No, Dad. I'm just wondering what took you so long to find me.

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