Chapter Twenty-Two: Bloodline's Secret

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Bloodline's Secret

HYACINTH and the Bismarcks were surrounded by paparazzi by the time Bismarck's private jet landed at the airport. Maximillian shielded Hyacinth, Erin, and Maine with his arms as the airport security team escorted the Bismarcks to their vehicle.

Max never expected that his engagement to Hyacinth will cause an uproar from the public; hence the paparazzi.

Whoever leaked the information will face Max's wrath. He hates it when things don't go according to his plans.

He was planning to keep his marriage a secret. Only Jean knew of the upcoming wedding and Max is a hundred percent sure that Jean will never leak any information she knew, especially if Max fervently told his secretary to keep the information to herself.

That means that the priest in Trudor Square leaked Max's upcoming nuptials. Oh, it will surely attract more events in the church, knowing that the popular Maximillian Bismarck will get married there.

Maximillian slammed the car door as soon as the three found their seats inside the vehicle. His jaw tightened when the paparazzi kept on asking him ridiculous questions regarding the identity of his fiancé.

"She is Lilian Hyacinth Sinclair, right? Our sources said she worked at Moonround cafe, one of Bismarck Group's subsidiaries..."

"Is Ms. Sinclair pregnant? The speculation regarding your sudden engagement is..."

"Is she a daughter of a family relative? A family friend?"

"Are you gonna deny the rumors that Ms. Sinclair will have the Bismarck heirloom? The pink Argyle diamond ring?"

His anger issues cannot manage this crowd of paparazzi. Even his security team, which is composed of seven well-trained professionals, almost faltered before the plethora of paparazzi and journalists. Max could've sworn that the crowd will eat him alive if he stayed on spot for too long, so he turned his back on them and sat in the passenger seat.

"We'll have to move the wedding venue. I'm not gonna get married in Trudor Square Heritage Church."




After a few hours, the vehicle stopped at the Bismarck Mansion in Trudor Square. The security team for the Bismarcks already cleared a handful of media people out of their range judging by the traces of sweat on their faces even though it is quite cold due to the weather. It might be summer but Sutton City is known for its lack of sunlight and its adoration of storms.

To Hyacinth's surprise, she saw Detective Philip Mayers's car parked in front of a bookstore. Is he on an undercover assignment?

The security team took all their luggage out of the van and carried it inside the house. Erin and Maine were quite absorbed in their conversation about the media's hunger for answers. Max, on the other hand, held Hyacinth's waist and motioned for her to enter the house.

She's too consumed by her thoughts about Detective Mayers' car that she didn't even notice Max beside her.

Why is Detective Mayers here?

"What's wrong?" Max's voice brought her back to reality. She shook her head as a response to his question and asked if she could go to the bookstore where Philip's car is parked. Maximillian nodded at her request and asked the head of the security team—she guessed it was the head of security by its well-tailored suit and the air of intelligence around the man—to follow right behind her.

When she reached the bookstore, she immediately saw Philip through the ceiling-to-floor glass panes of the store. He's fully focused on scanning the shelf in the middle of the place with a file folder in his other hand. She immediately opened the door of the bookstore and stealthily followed his every move.

His file folder has a confidential stamp on it. He might be gathering evidence or researching.

"You do know that we have internet these days," she said out of the blue just to call his attention.

"I'm in here because I need to talk to you."

"Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you go to Max's house?"

"Your phone is out of the coverage area. I can't reach you via the internet because you don't have any social media accounts. And, also, I know my car will lure you into this bookstore. That's how predictable you are, Hyacinth."

A chuckle escaped from her lips as she approached her long-time friend. "Did you know that you're quite predictable yourself? Why would you bring your rusty car here when you owned three sports cars and a house in Greene County? Of course, it is because you're on an undercover mission."

"The reason I'm here is to help you one last time, Hyacinth. For old time's sake."

Her smile faded. "What for?"

She doesn't like the sound of his voice.

"Your father told me of a book that is in his possession. He claimed it contained Sinclair's secrets. The thread-reading and shits about your bloodline."

Hyacinth desperately pulled his arm. "Where is that book?" Is this true? Does a book like that exist?

That means that there's hope. She might be able to understand Erin's ability. She could help Erin with controlling her time-traveling ability.

"Why are you unearthing this? And are you so sure that Dad's in possession of the book?"

Philip let out a sarcastic laugh. "Why? Because what would explain the existence of Erin Bismarck? I'm not a moron, Haya. Max followed you to Greene County shortly after saving him one day. Then, out of the blue, he's taking care of a kid named Erin. Even the public speculated that Erin is his bastard child. The likeness between Ms. Erin and Mr. Bismarck is uncanny."

She gulped. Hyacinth should've explained the situation to Philip. The man looked tormented by the information he had gathered.

"And Erin looked a bit like you. The light brown hair is a few shades closer to being blonde. The shape of your face..." Philip faced her. "And then Ben Sinclair told me something. It is about the firstborn daughter of a thread reader like you. He told me that he wouldn't let go of you because he's planning on arranging a marriage between you and his friend's son. He said that you are capable of producing something he wanted. Something that might bring his dead wife back to life."

Hyacinth gulped.

"What happened, Haya? Why is your daughter here? Is she the reason why you're marrying Mr. Bismarck?"

"My story is too complicated, Philip. It is much better if you don't know."

Philip's green eyes reflected his concern. "Haya, we've been friends ever since you hitchhiked on the border of Sutton City. Do you think I'll let anything happen to you? I'm here to help. God knows how you helped me with my job."

"Philip, my problem is not something you can solve. It is something for me to figure out. Please trust me, will you?"

His brows relaxed as if he was convinced that she has the matter well in hand. "Give me a call if you need me, Haya."

She nodded. "By the way, where is this book that my Dad has been talking about?"

He shrugged at her question. "He said the book was destroyed by an ancestor but the knowledge of the book is passed down from generation to generation."

"Then why did he tell you that?"

"I asked him about his motives for abducting you last month. He told me the whole story in exchange for pot."

So, this is Ben Sinclair's downfall? Drug addiction? Sleeping behind prison bars? Is he really the same man who raised her? Her flesh and blood?

Erin will never know what it is like to have grandparents because Hyacinth will now cut every connection she has with Ben Sinclair from this day on.

"Philip, please don't ever mention his name ever again, especially the things he knew about my ability. I need to figure things out without him. He's dead to me."

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