Chapter Thirty-One: Rain Lily

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Chapter Thirty-One: Rain Lily

HYACINTH's fists clenched at the intensity of her husband's stare. Unlike the last time she saw him, he seemed to be Right now, Hyacinth could tell that he had been nervous.

About what?

Did he blame himself for her accident?

"D-Don't apologize, Max. It's n-not your fault." Hyacinth cursed under her breath when she heard herself stutter.

"No, Haya. I'm not blaming myself. I'm here to check how you're feeling."

She motioned for him to sit on the couch near her bed. Hyacinth might be unconscious for a few months but she had known that Max spent most of his time beside her.

She had heard his voice in her dreamless sleep. The only thing that kept her mind working was his stories about business negotiations, his jokes, his endearments...and how he whispered and begged for her to come back.

How could she hate him for that? They'd argued before the accident, yes, but that seemed like an irrelevant memory for her now. The only thing that mattered to her is to figure out how to be on good terms with him again.

Hyacinth's heart silently begged for those endearments. Oh, how she ached for him whenever her mind seemed to slowly regain its consciousness.

Hyacinth went back to reality when Max cleared his throat. She shook her head when she realized that she was staring at him for a prolonged period.

"Do you want to rest? I can always visit later." His eyes told her otherwise, though. His eyes begged for her to ask him to stay.

"You c-can stay, Max. No need to ask permission from me."

An awkward silence filled the room and Hyacinth didn't know how to start a conversation. She wanted to avoid discussing their argument before the accident. If only she could lie about having amnesia or something, but she's not in the mood for theatrics.

"So, how's George?" She managed to ask to fill the silence between them.

"He only suffered minor injuries, Haya, because he wore a seatbelt."

"But I was about to wear mine. I had a hard time doing it because my eyes were so blurred—" she managed to stop her outburst before she could remind him of the hurtful event.

"Please finish, Haya. You were crying, I know. I was a jerk for causing that."

"C-Can we please forget it? I d-don't want to remember."

"But we need to talk about it, Haya." He reached for her hand. "Otherwise, it'll continue to always cause a rift between us."

She shook her head. "B-But we might fight again—"

"No, we won't." He assured her. Max exhaled as he contemplated if he should continue discussing what had happened. After all, Hyacinth just regained consciousness.

He didn't want to cause her pain again.

"We fought that day because I was a coward. I didn't know how to react and handle those feelings back then but now I do." Max gripped her hand. "Good god, there's this six months of anxiety that squeezed the truth out of me. It tortured me, Haya, to be with you yet your consciousness is so out of reach. To not hear your voice—" he dreadfully sighed as if he could still feel the misery of the past few months. "If that's not love, then I don't know what is."

Her eyes stung upon hearing those words.

She heard him say those words while she was in a coma but it seemed so unbelievable at the time, considering that the two of them fought and argued the last time they talked to each other.

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