Chapter 1

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"Y/n y/m/n Parker! Get down here we're about to leave!" My father yells to me from downstairs.

Sighing I grab my phone and everything else I need. I look in the mirror one last time smirking. Black hair that matches my mother's. Mixed with red tips I did myself. Gold eyes to match my ancestry. I look great with my curves and strong build from training all my life.

After making sure I look fine I feel a furry monster at my feet. Smiling I pick up the furball "Aweee Nyx hey babygirl. Let's get going why don't we" I speak soothingly stroking my black cat. She puts and rubs her head on my hand jumping down. Chuckling I head downstairs. "Come child" I beckon my cat. She follows suit swishing her tail happily.

While heading downstairs I remember the reason this year will be exciting. Why I actually want to be at Hogwarts. I hated the idea at first. Due to not liking people.

The only people I tolerate are Draco and Blaise. My two best friends. The only ones I care for. Pansy isn't much of someone I tolerate. She's annoying and desperate for Draco's attention. It's Disgusting. Learn how to catch someone's attention. Not beg for it.

This year I will become a death eater. Which would be 7th year here. This year I attend Hogwarts. I've been homeschooled my entire life up until now. So going into 7th year is no problem. I know what I need. It will be easy. I'm here because my father wants me here for a reason. For the Dark Lord.

I smile at the thought of everything. I've always wanted to become a death eater. My parents were death eaters. My grandparents were. Our whole family. It's an honor. We serve one. Though we hate serving this is good for the long run. We are one of the highly respected families next to the Malfoys and Riddles. With The Riddles at the front.

We're second due to us being hybrids/heritics and tribrids. My father is a heritic and my mother and I are Tribrids. Heritics are vampire and witch. Tribrids are vampire, werewolf, and witch.

We need blood. We also, my father and I can syphon magic from anything that carries magic. I had a twin. But when I was younger we got into an argument and decided to do the merge at a younger age.

She wanted to be powerful as did I. We fought for power daily over each other. Trying to prove who was better.

I won. Do I feel bad? Not one bit she had tried killing me multiple times. As did I try killing her. We hated each other. Due to her always trying to take things from me. Boyfriend's. Everything.

Once I'm downstairs I see my mother and father. Both waiting for me. Father sees me and smiles proudly.

"Remember not to worry too much. You'll be sorted and everything will go as planned" he says evilly

I smirk "I know father"

He laughs and we head to the train station.

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