Chapter 7

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By the time classes end I've heard several people talk about a party. That's exactly what I need especially after dealing with Mattheo all day. He kept picking at me.

I had to ignore him. I can't fuck up anymore. I know he'd tell his father. It would ruin my chances. So instead I ignored him.

I skipped last class though. I was at my breaking point. So I smoked. I'm high and going to this party.

A few people asked me to go. I told them I might show. Most are scared of me or want to fuck me. Which I don't mind. Maybe I'll take someone up on an offer of a quick fuck. It'd calm these adrenaline rushes I keep getting from anger.

Only Mattheo can get under my skin like this. Anyone else I can ignore and put in their place. Not him. It irks me.

Shaking away my thoughts I gather an outfit and go to take my shower. I turn the water all the way up so it beats my skin raw. I love the heat sinking into my skin.

As I shower I let my thoughts drift. For some reason they're always on him. Fucking Riddle. He gets on my nerves but at the same time, I'm drawn to him. His anger makes me feel hot. It soaks me in ways I never thought possible. It's why I hate him even more.

The fact that I think he's attractive. That fact that I've thought about fucking him. I won't. Hell no I won't. I hate him. I honestly wish I could kill him sometimes. Speaking of killing I need this itch satisfied. So I either need to kill, cause chaos, get drunk and or higher then I am right now, or fuck someone. Maybe all of the above, minus the killing for now.

Sighing I climb out of the shower and put on my lingerie. The Dark Blue set. After sliding that on, I put on a Black crop top and black leggings.

Smiling in the mirror, I put on some eyeliner making a Cat eye. Then some nude red lipstick. Toping it off with nude eyeshadow, with a smokey eye and some mascara. Perfect. Now just my hair and shoes.

For my hair I decide to do a half up half down with it curling at the end. Adding some small hoop earrings. Now I'm good to go.

Shoes. What shoes. I look around and see the perfect ones. My black heels. Smiling I put them on. Grabbing my wand and pack of cigarettes that have joints in the pack also, I head to our common room. Slytherins common room. Since it's being held there.

I smell the smoke and see the lights. Smiling I walk through and everybody stops. People stand inf fear and respect. Eyes scanning my body. Hungrily eating at it. Rolling my eyes I sit on one of the couches.

I pull out my joint and light it. My eyes scan the room as I puff on it. Dragging in the smoke. Letting it slide down my throat and fill my lungs to capacity. After letting it out my eyes land on Draco and Mattheo. They're both walking in.

I sigh and keep taking drags. I'm not high enough yet. I'm full of adrenaline still. It was soothed earlier but now it's back.

After I finish the joint I light a cigarette. Fuck I need to let out this stress. I walk towards Lorenzo. He's flirted a few times. Might as well.

Smirking I look at the female beside him. The Leech. Why isn't she hanging off of Draco. Must have shoed her away. Laughing internally I walk towards them. Slowly and with conviction. Like a predator stalking it's prey.

I slide next to Lorenzo and look at Pansy.

"Hey Leech, finally stopped leeching onto Draco long enough to Leech onto someone else? Or did you get tossed away yet again?" I ask her snidely

She looks at me and glares. Without even arguing back she walks away angrily. She never fights back. Too scared or just smart. I look at Lorenzo and he smirks.

"So Ms Parker, why are you over here? Just wanted to cause something with Pansy? Or is it that you fancy me?" He asks

I roll my eyes and walk in front of him. My head dips and I lean into him whispering into his ear

"And if I did fancy you? Just for a night. What would you say?" I purr out

He grabs my hips and pulls my head to look into his eyes. He smirks "Hmm for a night? I'd say maybe I'd fancy you. For a night I might."

"Then fancy me for the night Enzo" I let the nickname catch him more.

His eyes cloud with lust and I hear his heart rate accelerate. Smirking I know I'll get what I want. I grab his hand and drag him to the dance floor. I'll make him want me.

He follows and I drop to the beat and slowly move back up him. Dancing against and on him. He groans and grabs me hips. Making sure I grind into him I move slowly. Suddenly he turns me around and his lips are on my neck.

I gasp and let him do so. No longer caring about anything, but letting myself release this pent up frustration. Soon he has me in the boys dorm hallway against a wall.

Grabbing and touching me in anyways he can. It's not enough. His energy and his smell isn't what I want. Yet I push through it. I don't care who's touching me right now. I need this gone.

Once he's had his fill of touching, he grabs my hips and picks me up. Moving a few steps down the hall before pushing me back against a wall. My legs are wrapped around him. My sex clenching and wanting. When he goes to move again we hear a throat clearing.

I pull away and get out of Lorenzos arms. My eyes fall on the person who interrupted. Brown eyes meet mine and I growl. Fucking Riddle.

"What the hell do you want Riddle." I state pissed off

He smirks "follow me"

I laugh "yeah right"

Lorenzo walks away and looks back "if you want to finish this another night let me know" he says winking

I smirk and look back at Riddle. Rolling my eyes I walk away. Heading to my room. I hear him following, but I ignore him.

Once in my room I close the door and it opens right away. Mattheo leans on my door glaring at me.

"Either you follow or I make you." He says menacingly

I laugh "yeah try getting past my door" he glares at me and goes to step in

Automatically he runs into a barrier. My lips twitch and he looks at me in curiosity.

"What the hell?" He asks

I roll my eyes and look at him smirking "Well I know barrier spells. Things you don't know and more. So you can only enter if I allow you. Which is ironic considering my heritage."

He glares at me "Merge"

I look at him in shock and cover it "what?" I ask wondering where the hell he heard that.

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