Chapter 26

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At the Astronomy Tower I plop onto the floor and sigh. That's wasn't supposed to happen. I shouldn't feel that. Not with him. Dray was my best friend. My only anchor. Well not really anchor. Just the only one who gave a fuck. Even with the back and forth bullshit.

Riddle shouldn't be able to calm me. He shouldn't be getting to me. Smelling him in that potion has brought forth too much. Meeting him actually. What the fuck is happening to me!

I pull out a bottle of pills I had stuffed in my bag and pop three of them. Letting my body relax and fall into calm. This is what I needed. If Dray knew he would smack me. Borderline murder actually.

I can't handle it though. Pills help me repress the emotions. So they aren't everywhere. All over my mind and head. I could do it without but it's like since everything that happened in New Orleans I have all the pent up anger and bullshit. They deserve this shit.

When I lived in New Orleans and in Mystic Falls they broke me. No care to how they did it. They didn't want me powerful. So I told my father I wanted out and he smiled bringing us here. I was only 14 then.

As I'm thinking I start dozing off and smile obliviously as I feel hands wrap around my body carrying me off. Where I don't know yet. I watch lazily and let it happen. How many did I take. 4? 5? I don't remember.

"Okay love room or nurse?" I hear the voice

A voice that makes me smile for some reason. A familiar voice. A voice I should hate. At the moment though I can't I just want the pain gone and he's here.

"Room." I state incoherently I think because I barely hear my words

"You sure?"

"Mhm" I mumble

I hear a sigh as I carried to my room. Watching as people look at us and I flip them off with no fucks given. Mind your business fuckers.

Surely but quickly I'm in my bed covered up and I watch as he goes to leave, but turns as I move to watch him

"Stay?" I whisper slowly as he looks at me

He sighs and shrugs "sure"

"Thanks Riddle" I whisper as he crawls into bed with me for the second time and I curl into him, drifting to sleep.

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