Chapter 8

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He shrugs "Your father said if you don't come willingly and I can't force you then to say that word. I don't fucking know. Just come with me." His anger echoes in my room

I look at him bewildered. Thinking for a second, I remember my father saying something.

"If I ever send someone to bring you to me they'll say, Merge. Remember that. It'll be important when I have them come."

My father's words echo into my mind. Why would he send Riddle. What the hell is going on. Maybe this is my test. I don't know but I sigh outwardly.

"Fine." I state and follow him.

As I follow him I start thinking of reasons. The test my father mentioned. Which hopefully it's that. I smile hoping it's that. The only other things are family bullshit.

Once we get outside he grabs my hand. Apparating us. For seconds I'm covered in darkness. Which doesn't bother me. Apparating isn't so bad once you've done it a few times. I can apparate anywhere. So it doesn't bother me.

Suddenly we're wherever he took me. He hands me a cloak and I look at him questionably.

"Put it on"

I sigh just doing as he says. I'm not arguing tonight. Once it's on he starts walking. So I follow. Which I hate, but I have to. I look around and realize where I'm at. We're in front of Malfoy Manor.

Why the hell are we here? What the hell is going on? Once we get to the door he knocks. That's when I see Draco's mother. Narcacissa.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy." He states

She bows and let's him in. I follow and she smiles hugging me. I hug her back.

"Mama Cissy. Why am I here?" I ask her

She sighs "I can't say but go right into the Dinning room. I'll be right behind you dear."

I nod and do as she says. Mattheo is only a fews steps in front of me. Soon we are in the dining room. I look around and there's tons of people in masks and Cloaks. I smile inwardly. Finally. Hopefully this is it.

I look to the front and a tall man steps down walking towards Mattheo. He pulls down his cloak. Sheesh. No nose is right. But I push away that thought and smile. Looking at him in respect.

I nod towards him and he smiles evilly.

"I see you brought her. Thank you son. You haven't failed me." He states looking at Mattheo

After Mattheo nods. Voldemort then moves toward me. He looks at me and grins.

"So I hear from my son you're quite good at magic. Wandless at that. Which is expected from your family. Now he also told me about your statement. Which enticed a lot of anger from him." He says

I glare at Mattheo and nod "Yes I told him specifically I only respect you and not him due to him not earning my respect because he's not you and he's never proven himself to me. I am sorry for disrespecting your son." I state earnestly

He waves his hand at me and laughs "Child I do not care what you said to him. I care what you've said of me. Which shows some loyalty. Yet I need one more show of loyalty. As you know this war will include killing. I've heard you have no aversion to killing. Yet I wish for proof. So I'd like for you to deal with this man. Bring him in!" He yells the last part

Suddenly, an older looking man comes in with chains on his ankles and wrists. I look at him and smirk. Not usually my type for killing. Ahhh wait. I look into his mind. He's murdered plenty. Sold information about Voldemort and many other things.

"Kill him" Voldemort states

Mattheo looks at me smirking. Thinking I wouldn't. He also looks sorta scared. Of what I do not know. Ive never seen that look on his face.

Cracking my neck I walk towards the man and look back at Voldemort "Any specific way?" I ask

He tilts his head in wonder "No"

I smile and turn back around. I bend and squat at the kneeling man

"Tsk tsk tsk, now what did someone like you do? Ahhh murder. Information selling. Ahhhhhh! And being disloyal."

I stand up and look down at him "STAND!" I state loudly.

He looks at me and laughs "A child. You've sent a child to do your work." He says to Voldemort

I growl out "Crucio"

Next thing you know he's screaming in pain. He looks at me in pain. Pleading. I look at him and flash my fangs. He shuts up and keeps whimpering. I let up the curse.

"Now, Stand." I say casually.

He stands wobbly. His eyes watering and now scared beyond belief. I smile as he stands tall and tries keeping his strength.

I walk towards him "Now what I want you to do is apologize. Beg for your life to The Dark Lord." He looks at me and his eyes glaze. My compulsion working.

He gets on his knees and starts begging. Voldemort looks at me as this happens. He's shocked and happy. After a minute I look at the man.

"Oh stand up! You're pathetic." I yell at him.

He stands and looks at me in terror. I smile in glee. Walking closer to him. I grab him and smile. "Scream. Let them hear you. Keep screaming and begging."

That's when I bite into his throat. Relishing in his screams. Listening to his begging. Gulping down his blood. Draining him dry. After the last bit of blood I feel elated. Powerful. I drop him and move away.

I see everyone around shocked. My father and mother are grinning in pride. Mattheo is shocked. Voldemort is smiling and looks happy. Everyone else is terrified, and looks at me with respect and fear.

Voldemort walks towards me "Welcome our newest Death eater! Come get your mark." He yells proudly

I smile and walk towards him. I put out my arm and he grabs it. His cold fingers making me shiver slightly. Suddenly he whispers a spell and puts his wand to my arm.

I feel a slight piecing pain but only for an instant before it's a full aching. I'm so used to pain that it doesn't bother me. It's gone within seconds.

Voldemort looks at me and smirks "This girl, she has killed before me and she made no noise nor cried or showed any reaction to the mark. Yet everyone of you did. Remarkable."

He lets go of my arm and moves to sit. I sit next to my mother and father.

"Miss Parker I have a few tasks. First since you've shown pure eagerness in killing. I have a list of people. Just 3 people for now. Until I have more. Second I want you to help my son watch the Malfoy boy on his task. Since I've heard he listens to you. Last I need you to get close to the Potter boy and his friends. Keep an eye on them."

I nod respectfully "Yes My Lord"

"Also Mattheo you'll be witness to her killing them so I know they're dead. Due to her being a new recruit."

Mattheo sighs "Yes Father."

"With that I have things to do." Then he vanishes.

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