Chapter 28

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After we smoked he acted off. Like he hated me again. I hate him too. Or not. It's fucking confusing. So instead of dwelling sleep. First, smoke more and take a couple sleep pills. That'll drown out everything.

As I do just that I plop into bed and sigh. Waiting for everything to kick in and take me away from this chaotic bullshit. I need a moment of peace. Will it happen? Nope probably not.

Which was I so right as my eyes drift and the flashed start. I fight to keep my eyes open buy its not working. Fuck why are the nightmares coming back. What the fuck.

"Riddle!" I try to croak out but it's not working

Why am I even wanting him during this. I hate this shit. Why now!? Why after years of drowning it is it coming back.

As if my real life isn't bullshit enough now my past is coming back to eat at me again. Fuck this. I stand wobbly and walk out of my room stumbling. I see Lorenzo in the common room and walk to him and he looks at me concerned.

"You goo-

I interupr him "Riddle. T-tajke mes t-to Riddle." I say stumbling over my words also

He cocks his head but nods as I fall over wondering if I'll even be able to catch myself. I hate when this happens. Who'd I get these off of again? Some old friend before I got here. Someone fuck who. I can't remember. I'm feeling good. Now.

I catch myself before Lorenzo can even get to me and I stand tall.

"Show me where he is" I state

He nods confused as ever and starts walking away and I follow him. Why I'm going to Riddle I don't know but as of late whenever I'm fucked up I wanna be around him.

Once we hit a dorm he looks at me and knocks shaking his head

"Yes?" I hear his voice as the door opens

"She wanted you" Berkshire says nonchalant and irritated

Riddle looks at me and nods for Lorenzo to leave. Once he does he opens the door and licks out some blonde. Oh? Hmm... Yeah no. No bitch is-why am I thinking like this. I don't give a fuck why. Mine. I hear in my head. My wolf. Ohhhhhhkay. That's weird. Either way though.

I watch her walk out Rolling her eyes and glaring at me and that's when I snap. I grab her shoulders and slam her against a wall. Letting her body shake beneath me.

"Glare at me again bitch." I state narrowing my now presumably golden eyes.

She looks down and trys to fight against me until I put my mouth next to her ear "I could kill you."

She nods as I let her go and run away in fear. Yeah run. I look back and turn to Riddle again.

"Hey Mattyyyyy" I say all sweet

He chuckles and glares at me "What was that?"

"Mmmm nothing" I say slowly and chuckle to myself evilly

He rolls his eyes "Coming in?"

Mmm yes I am. Especially after that.

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