Chapter 13

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After punching the wall I've decided to go to the Forbidden Forest. I need to let my wolf out. I've held her in for too long.

Looking at the dark trees and everything around I sigh. Peaceful and beautiful. Smiling inwardly I quickly transform after taking my clothes off.

My bones crack and sync into my wolf form. The release of pent up anger leaves my body and I shake my fur. Time for a run. Possibly a snack as well.

At that thought I see a deer looking at me. Growling I pounce and chase. Letting the air flow through my fur. Passing and teasing it. The thrill is inticing.

After awhile I finally catch the deer and end up leaving the forest. I almost forgot I had to meet with Riddle tonight. Great. Just as I became calm and less infused with irritability, even the thought of his name irks me.

I loathe him. Hate him. Yet something about him gets to me on a level no one else does. It's like even though I hate him I want to know how it would feel to- Nope. Not thinking of that. Not today Not now.

I look up and sigh looking at Hogwarts. It's now or never Parker. Just go in. Meet up with him. Do your task. And move forward.

Sighing I do just that. Heading towards Slytherin Dorms. I see the painting and mumble "PureBlood". Watching as the painting now turns into the door and let's me through.

Now to grab my weapons and some damn cigarettes. If I don't have those I know I'll end up killing Riddle in the process. We don't need that. Yet.

Walking into my room I see My and smile "My baby!"

"awe didnt think you had those feelings towards me Parker" I hear Riddles sarcastic reply

Groaning I grab Nyx and she looks between Riddle and I and meows. But I hear her little voice in my head 'I don't know who this is but he reminds me of you. Very dark in his aura. Yet something is missing inside him. Much like you.'

I glare at her and grab my cigarettes and three knives. Placing one on my thigh in my boot. Along side one in my pocket and the last on my wrist in a holster I made myself.

"Alright let go. I'm not in the mood to lolly gag. I need to get this done. Then we have to start working on whatever task Draco needs help with." I say Irritably

He rolls his eyes and stands up "Alright Princess I'll lead the way"

"I-what the hell did you-"

Then he's gone and out the door. Fuck it I'm not arguing right now. So I just follow him. Already grabbing a cigarette out of my pack.

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