Chapter 33

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I'm sitting in a meeting with Mattheo beside me. Draco is in front of me and everyone is listening as the Dark Lord speaks.

"As of recently the cabinet has been fixed and we will enter Hogwarts once Ms Parker has gotten closer to the little Golden Trio"

My head snaps, I forgot I had to do that. I'd spoken to them maybe once or twice recently. Only for a few moments though.

"How are you coming on that?" He asks me

I look up and shrug "I've spoken to them a few times. Harry seems to be suspicious of me. The other two are quiet well, not really quiet per say but they all seem to stick to each other. I can make a move today but I can't say they'll take me into their little group easily, I have plans though,break em up"

He nods and I sigh waiting for him to yell at me or something

"Do what you must" I nod slowly


We all leave the Malfoy Manor and Mattheo follows behind me "How're you gonna get close to any of them?" He laughs

I shrug "Pretend I hate the lot of you, oh wait I already do" I state simply and walk away.

Just because we fucked doesn't mean I hate him any less. I wont let emotions in the way. I could just turn my humanity off but that would cause a lot of grief no one is prepared for nor wants to be apart of.

I walk to one of the gardens and sit, I think I'll start with Granger. She's crushing on my best friend anyway.

Sighing I apparate myself back. Simply walking in to Griffindor Common.

"Bring me Granger or take me to her" I say to one of the girls sitting down

They look at me and nod quickly and run off. Scared of little old me? Awe it's kinda cute. After about ten minutes I see Granger. Ah smart girl for coming.

"Yes?" She asks with no fear whatsoever

Mmm interesting I kinda like her being unafraid. Might suit my best friend well.

"I know who you smelled in your potion" I say

She turns red and stutters "I-I i-it was n-n-no one"

"Follow me" I say rolling my eyes

She follows me all the way to the Astronomy Tower. I sit down pull out a joint and pat next to me.


She obliques and sits beside me "what did you want Y/N"

I shrug "here" I hand her the joint and she takes it hitting it a few times coughing and sputtering

"Hit it again until you don't cough" she nods and I look out at the stars

"Draco." I say aloud

That's when she takes a huge drag of the joint and holds it in perfect ignoring what I said. I smirk and take it from her.

"You smelled Draco, Granger" I state to her

She shakes her head and I laugh

"I know my best friends smell by now. The peppermint gives it away the most honestly" I say hitting the joint multiple times

She stays silent

"look he bullies you correct? Because of Blood Status? Have you ever thought he was the harshest towards you because he likes you? Or because Ron and Harry are always around?" I ask her

She turns red again "he hates us" she says lowly

I laugh "Hates Harry and Ron. I don't see hate towards you and I know my best friend more then he knows himself."

"Even if I did like him he'd never"

"We will see, just gotta get his dad outta the way" I state angrily

I've always hated Luscious. The way he treats Dray and his mom. It's fucking bullshit. Now my parents raised me worse but they also learned I'll do as I want.

"I'll be talking to him" I say handing her another joint I had on me

"Enjoy that and think about losing those two pansy's, I see something in you" I say walking off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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